Miss USA
Dispensary clone transplanted 4/25
Transplanted straight into raised garden beds outdoors, first grow
Indica dominant photoperiod plant
Day 18 (Week 3)
5 updates
12 photos
Day: 18

Gave all plants 2 gal of miracle grow today
6 years ago
Day: 16

Plant looks good, lots of new growth, gonna start watering heavy once every three days
6 years ago
Day: 11

Used Neem on plants for first time today to control insects, appears to be doing well with growing new growth despite thrip damage to upper leaves
6 years ago
Day: 6

Plant looks to be doing good, gave kelp spray yesterday and today, fed for first time today, visible new growth lower on stem, sprayed wet soil with anti fungus gnat larvae bacteria water and put up gnat strips
6 years ago
Day: 1

Transplanted yesterday evening, gave a light watering of spring water and constructed a wax paper wind shelter to protect the plant from the wind, gave another light watering this morning farther away from stem. Plant appears healthy although there is a tiny bit of yellowing at the root tips, stem has red marks. A little under 7”.
6 years ago