

Blue Dream

Summer 2024

First day outside

Auto feminized

Day 96 (Week 14)


13 updates

35 photos

Day: 96


a day ago

Day: 89

36g dried to cure!

8 days ago

Day: 87

Wierd. Both were planted at the same time. Same species; I only one is ready. 🧐🤨

11 days ago

Day: 84


Looking good

13 days ago

Day: 79


Is she ready?

19 days ago


lskaaos Beautiful 😍

Anomaly Give her some time. At least another week or two

Day: 74


Finally!! Almost done.

24 days ago

Day: 62

Almost time to get out that microscope camera. 😀

a month ago

Day: 50

Love the autos. They’re flowing well.

2 months ago

Day: 46

Doing good

2 months ago

Day: 34

Looking good

2 months ago

Day: 17

Coming along nicely

3 months ago

Day: 12

Not to bad

3 months ago


Sinewygbm Does anyone have any ideas on what to do about the leaning one?


BizzareLand You should be fine if this is what’s your thinking is “leaning” your def fine. If you wanted to when they get older make a brace for them like 2 sticks and hemp wrap keep them up and watch them

Day: 3

Seeds from Pacific seed bank

3 months ago