Blue Dream - SCoG
Grow tent 4x4
Two Blue Dream plants from IGMJ in Fox Farm soil, Ocean Forest.
Blue Dream
Day 78 (Week 12)
12 updates
28 photos
Day: 78

Plant on the left is recovering, but she definitely had something stun her growth. Let’s see how the yield gets impacted.
3 years ago
Day: 61

Need some help, and the pictures don’t make justice. But the plant on the left has slowed its growth and new leaves are a bit yellowish. See picture #4. Any specific nuts or light issues that you can think of?
3 years ago
combatmedic81 Maybe nitrogen?
charlie_wax Hang on, do you have additional training on the plants right now? If yes, and we just can’t see it, it could be that whatever you’re using (pipe cleaner?) could be choking the shoots and cutting off nutrients
charlie_wax At this stage too you may want to get a moisture/PH/lighting meter to get precise about your conditions. I found I absolutely needed that
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Day: 55

Some heavy pruning and laid out net to start ScrOG process, keeping these close to the floor with some LST as well. Wanting to stretch them out some more, so 2 more weeks before I flip the lights.
3 years ago
Day: 48

A bit of LST this week, gave them some Down to Earth Bat Guano (7-3-1) this week directly in soil. Trying to see how I can integrate some organic materials to the grow. Also using Fish-It, Roots Organic Trinity, a variety of advanced nutrients products (B-52, Piranha, Voodoo Juice), and some Mykos for the roots. Any feedback on any of these products, or what else I can add, feel free to comment. Looking to move more towards organic grow.
3 years ago
Day: 41

Did some FIM’ng and started with LST. Color on the leaves is much better in their new home!
3 years ago
Day: 34

Moved to larger pots, hoping this will help with the leaves as some of you pointed out. Let’s keep an eye on them for a few days to see.
3 years ago
Caliban Good catch. Looks like a mobile nutrient deficiency
Crunch Looking better!! Is this a 4x4 room ?
aecpr That could be, their first home got a lot of mold that I think impacted the seedling. Yes, 4x4 has enough space to work around them. Had a2x4, but was to tight for 2 plants
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Day: 26

Nicely growing, but leaves have some color issues. Any suggestions? Just feeding some fish-it, roots Organic Trinity, and Micos
3 years ago
Caliban Time to transplant perhaps they look nitrogen deficient
Caliban Maybe also a little bit of Epson salt for magnesium
mystrain420 _@eaegifts Solid suggestion from @Caliban and you may wanna add some perlite when you repot, the soil looks a bit compacted
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Day: 19

Still growing strong, leaves have some spots and getting a lot of mushrooms popping out (think it’s because of too much humidity they were exposed to before bringing in the tent.). Any concerns on the leaves from anyone? Feeding them just small dose of Fish-It and Roots Organics-Trinity in Ph’d water and simple potting soil.
3 years ago
Day: 13

Both coming out nicely, still not out of the woods with #2 (on the right). Paying close attention to her and see how she grows.
3 years ago
Day: 11

Slowly we have a second one, paying close attention to this one and hoping she makes it.
3 years ago
Day: 10

One seed is out and the other slowly as well, hopefully they make it. Was getting worried they took a while, think it was too cold for them.
3 years ago
Day: 0

Just planted today, let’s see.
3 years ago