



Advanced Nutrients

Super Boof, Guzzler, (2) Permanent Rainbow.

Day 66 (Week 10)


39 updates

143 photos

Day: 66

Back to the start. … closing this out.

4 days ago

Day: 63


Day and half with no change

6 days ago


ElTerrible Looks like root rot bro


PopsGarden420 Yeah they ran out of water for like a week

Day: 62

Welp 10 days later it ain’t good yall. What do I do!?!?

8 days ago


articcolds Have to share more of what you have done or what’s going on


donquinto Not dead yet, got a bit of info? These can def be saved


PopsGarden420 So I went on Vaycay for 10days. They just ran out of water sooner than expected. Using advanced nutrients.

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Day: 62


So, the damage is serious. Not sure if they will recover.

7 days ago

athena2153 Aw I don’t think these’ll recover. Keep trying


ajam_fam Dang! What happened? Details!


PopsGarden420 I went on vacation for 10days and they ran out of water. Some are saying they will recover, some are saying they won’t. The damage appears extensive. I’ll give it a few days and see what happesnz

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Day: 52

Going on a 10 day road trip starting today. 😬 no one is checking the plants. Lets hope the water lasts

18 days ago

Patty Black

Patty Black 🤞🤞

Day: 49

2 more weeks of veg. 🤞

21 days ago

Day: 48


Tuck it.

22 days ago

Day: 47


23 days ago

Day: 46



24 days ago

Day: 43


Some defoliation and training. Giving 3 final weeks of veg then we flip.

a month ago

Day: 41


a month ago

Day: 39


Growing like weeds

a month ago

Day: 38



a month ago

Day: 34



a month ago

Day: 34


Added some training clips last night and they responded nicely

a month ago

Day: 33



a month ago

Day: 31



a month ago

Day: 29


Super cropping is fun

a month ago

Day: 26



a month ago

Day: 25


Growin 🤷‍♂️

a month ago

Day: 23


Water temp is a pain 🤦‍♂️

2 months ago

Day: 22

Super croppin

2 months ago

Day: 21


Swapped the solution out for week 4 and week 2 for the replacements. Tops are coming back nicely and the temp issue seems to be resolving now that I recognized the issue and adjusted accordingly. Added some revive this week to help recover from the temp issues. Also increased light out put to around 250 ppfd 🤟✌️

2 months ago

Day: 19


Water temp issue seems manageable for now. Growth continues

2 months ago


. If temps gets high again increase or add more air. You could also add some co2 to the tent 👍🏾💚


PopsGarden420 Thanks! The air pumps are contributing to my problem I think because they get hot over time. Been popping frozen water bottles in there


. I’m confused, what type of pump are you using? I use air stones in my res so the air goes in but no actual pump in the res

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Day: 18


Had to combat my bucket water warming up a little creating some root issue. 100degrees here for like a month.

2 months ago

Day: 16

Topped the two larger ones the other day. Bouncing back nicely. Growth continues.

2 months ago

Day: 15


Happy plants to start week 3 from seed. I’m hype to watch the growth change as we finally it real veg stage. Considering topping and putting a net in soon, really want to maximize the space with these 4 but also don’t want it to out grow the space. We shall see, Lots to consider.

2 months ago

Day: 14


Start of week 3 from seed. Buckets ph ranging from 5.8-6.3. Reduced water level in a couple buckets to provide more space for the roots to breathe. Think it was a little high on these two middle plants given the discoloration to their roots compared to the first plant. Easy growing so far. Super boof seems to be loving it the most. Light set to 220W - at this distance 200ish PPFD. VPD around 1. Temp at 75 during the light period humidity 65%. Sprayed with foliage spray and checked air flow from the stones. Supposed to switch to week 3 nutes today and change out buckets Edit: I changed out the reservoirs.

2 months ago

Day: 14


Few hours post res change. Still smiling.

2 months ago

Day: 13


2 months ago

Day: 12


Sooooo I didn’t kill them and they look better then ever. 🤣🤦‍♂️

2 months ago


PopsGarden420 I also added a second air pump for 1 of the buckets giving more air to each.

Day: 11


Day 1 for double seedling pot. Might have fucked them all tho. Gave them clone X seedling/clone but but didn’t do that right soooo lol

2 months ago

Day: 9



2 months ago

Day: 8


Changed out the water and nute solution yesterday. PH has gone up and down daily. Checking once daily and bringing it back into range. Probably gonna swap this slow ass seedling out for something else here shortly. Popped a couple permanent rainbow beans for the replacement.

2 months ago


@eaegifts She looks good I’d keep her. I top water at this stage to encourage roots and I ph at 5.4-5.8 I go up to 6.0 only in flower due to P taking up better at that ph. 💚👍🏾


PopsGarden420 Solid I appreciate the input 🤝


PopsGarden420 You top this early with hydro?

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Day: 6


6 days in.

2 months ago

Day: 5



2 months ago

Day: 3


Early morning check before work. So far so good. Checking PH and Air flow daily. Not sure about this one with the seed still on, might be a dud that I need to change out. I’ll wait for the weekend to decide. It had a small tap root when I put it in the cube but maybe it’s stunted or something.

2 months ago

Day: 2



2 months ago


@eaegifts Nice to see you still growing, how’d the triploids turn out?


PopsGarden420 Mannnn. Lol I never got to the end. That RSO I made fucked me up. I took like 250MG and didn’t realize it. Ended up shutting everything down and just taking a much needed break. Things were getting crazy. Back to it now tho and keeping it simple.


@eaegifts Oh damn that Ricky hit different lol, hope this goes well

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Day: 1

Successful first night in the buckets.

2 months ago