
Alaskan Purple

Feb 2020

Germination started 2-20 two plates with 4 paper towels wet in a gallon ziplock.

Alaskan Purple x3 - Seedsman

Day 6 (Week 1)

3 updates

5 photos

Day: 6


First seed sprouted still waiting on the other 3

4 years ago

Day: 3

1 tap root out @ 48 hrs 1 out at 60 hrs those were moved to soil and into shower at 60 hrs. Third seed popped at 72 hrs

4 years ago

Day: 1

Moved plates out of ziplock seemed to be getting too wet. At 24hrs

4 years ago


combatmedic81 That’s a first for me, never seen a shower used as a grow tent. Drainage and overflow clean up has got to be easy

FourDice No issues so far, just a temporary home for some seedlings. Have an electrician coming to add additional outlets where I have my tent.