Garden Sensei

Garden Sensei

Small Tent Flip

Pheno Hunt

Everything In the tent is in 1 gallon pots with coco loco.

Goji O.G. #’s 1,2,&3 and Mystery Seed

Day 20 (Week 3)



3 updates

5 photos

Day: 20


Added some under canopy lights to the tent and turn the lights to 100% the ladies see to really like the adjustment. Buds starting to form. Might need a trellis soon.

6 months ago

Day: 15


Gave the ladies a schwazze and a little more light. Still gauging how light I can use flowering in this 2x2 without it getting too hot for the plants. Added a fan and carbon air filter to the tent today.

7 months ago

Day: 0


Tent flips tonight

7 months ago