
Glue gelato auto

Spring indoors march 2020

Barney’s farms genetics

Gorilla glue x gelato autoflower

Day 105 (Week 15)

8 updates

18 photos

Day: 105


Lookin nicccee almost ready for harvest been flushing for 1/2 a week

4 years ago

Day: 90


Both plants lookin good and keefy one will most likely finish before the other I’ve switched to organic dry amendments and they love itttt

5 years ago

Day: 72

Looks nice late bloomers

5 years ago

Day: 58


Trained not topped looks niceee other one nice too but not as far in growing slower

5 years ago

Day: 30


2 out of the three growing niceyyy

5 years ago

Day: 22

Two plants looking nice the other one not so much think it was the soil but I replaced it they growing slower then I expected idk if it’s cuz the light is too high for my other plant or if it’s the strain

5 years ago

Day: 5

All three popped up one a lil leggy

5 years ago

SmokeyOkie I think I’m not far behind you this is my very first grow so I’m looking for what to do at each stage.

Day: 0

Gorilla glue x gelato auto flower just sprouted I have three others of this strain rn only to have popped up

5 years ago