
Spring 2022

Seed to soil. Grown outside with access to open sky. Grown in raised planters.


Day 58 (Week 9)

12 updates

12 photos

Day: 58


3 years ago

Day: 56

Trimmed last night to expose only the new growth. I expect sun for a while now. The days are in the 80’s and the nights are over 60. They will no longer need protection from the cold. Integrated companion plants.i

3 years ago

Day: 49

Bugs or something ate of all the leaves.

3 years ago


deggamer Find some lady bugs outside and bring em by your plants. They will never eat your plants, only the bugs that are predatory to your plants. Then they either fuck off or die.

Day: 40

For the past week it has been pummeled with high winds. Being exposed to extreme conditions while young and flexible creates a very strong foundation for the roots and strength of the stem. I keep adding soil to replace that which the wind blew away.

3 years ago

Day: 38

After my wind experiment, I added soil until it reached only the leaves. From all of the wind, its stem is strong. I’m so happy it worked out that way. I’ve kept this outside for the past two days as the conditions were correct. 

3 years ago

Day: 35

Looks healthy. 70* with clear skies and full sun. Given nutrients yesterday.

3 years ago

Day: 29

I think this looks good. I will leave it be.

3 years ago

Day: 22

Is it cold in windy day. Temperature hovering around 55. It will freeze tonight. Going to bring them back inside around four today. Watered last night. Full sun.

3 years ago

Day: 21

Increased soil level Protection from wind Affix marne-tag Stats/Lists etc.

3 years ago

Day: 17

Staying outside and soaking up sun. Stem is straight and holding the plants weight quite well. Continue with water only.

3 years ago

Day: 12

It popped out of the ground today. Looks a bit pale. Using happy frog soil perhaps the pH is too strong? Trying to understand deficiencies And amendments.

3 years ago


organic_grower What kind of soil are you using?


organic_grower It might be a little strong for seedlings?


GYMP I just use the Happy Frog soil. However, I have a bunch of amended soil from last season. I will add that when placed in 15 gallon bags.

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Day: 9

Brought outside at 10a. Temperature is 57*. Minimal wind with full sun all day long. Humidity is 30%. Watered at sunset. I hope to see a sprout soon. Enjoy.

3 years ago