


Orange cream pop and blueberry muffin sea of green

OCP and BBM from Humboldt Seed Co. complete organic run Soil Mix: 3 Gallon Pots - Promix HP Myco - Gaia Green 4-4-4 All Purpose - Glacial Rock Dust - Superfly - Worm Castings Veg Mix: (2 weeks post-transplant) - Worm Castings - Gaia Green 4-4-4 All Purpose - Glacial Rock Dust - Superfly Flower Mix: - Kelp Meal - Worm Castings - Gaia Green 2-8-4 Bloom - Mineralized Phosphate - Glacial Rock Dust

Orange cream pop and Blueberry Muffin

Day 56 (Week 8)



17 updates

26 photos

Day: 56


Watered, stared bc they’re pretty.

4 days ago

Day: 54


Some nute burn on the BBMs, OCPs are much more resilient. Noted. Watered with a recharge instant tea today

6 days ago

Day: 51


20 days since flip, about 3 weeks into flower

9 days ago

Day: 47


Top dressed with 1tbsp/gal 2-8-4 last night. On week 3 since flip

13 days ago

Day: 47


Last defoliation today, watered, raised net.

12 days ago

Day: 44


Light defoliation, will be top dressing tomorrow and finishing defol

15 days ago

Day: 42


Girlies are looking OUTSTANDING right now loving life

18 days ago

Day: 40


Things are starting to get a bit overcrowded 😂

20 days ago


bronxzoo @B0NGToker yep, it’s a 3x3 that I probably over stuffed but as long as I keep scrogging and maintain the canopy should be ok

Day: 36


Light watering, trellis net up, already showing pre-flower signs

24 days ago

Day: 31


First day flipping to 12:12 - top dressed with ratios of 3tbsp/gal Worm Castings, 2tbsp/gal Gaia Green Bloom, 1tbsp/gal Glacial Rock Dust, 1tbsp/gal Kelp Meal, 1tbsp/gal mineralized phosphate.

a month ago

Day: 29

Watered, going to flip to flower next week

a month ago

Day: 24

BBM is gettin huge and could probably flip to flower sooner than later, but I’ve got to wait for the others to catch up. Watered today and adjust LST wires

a month ago

Day: 22

Top dressed on 9/11 with 4-4-4, superbly, and glacial rock dust. Got home from a trip and watered and adjusted LST wires. OCP #2 was also topped on 9/11

a month ago

Day: 17

So low stress training, deciding not to top these girlies - going to be limited in space as it is already. Going to top dress this Saturday, in the meantime I hit them with some all natural preventative pest spray last night before lights out to deter my ongoing thrips issue.

a month ago

Day: 14

Just keeping up on updates, still thriving off of the initial 4-4-4 mix and other supplements. No top dressing yet, debating topping still

2 months ago

Day: 10

Transplanted and looking gorgeous already! Added a banana butter cup seedling which will be nearly two weeks behind but oh well.

2 months ago

Day: 4

Popped and mostly pretty aside from OCP1

2 months ago