
Box grow

Summer 2018

5 Pineapple Express, 40 w led white bulb, tin foil reflectance and clamp light.

Pineapple express

Day 15 (Week 3)

10 updates

12 photos

Day: 15


One might be male

7 years ago

Day: 11

Two plants left they have three nodes

7 years ago

Day: 10

The other two have died one from a week stem and the other was turning white and not growing a second node

7 years ago

Day: 9

Two will make it

7 years ago

Day: 9

Third node

7 years ago

Day: 6

The back two arent doing so hot but the other three are okay so far

7 years ago

Day: 5

Added a new bulb last night 150 watt and it made two fall over from being to close this is the next morning in recovery

7 years ago

Day: 4

Currently using no nutrients, just light water. Water is brewed with basil and parsley.

7 years ago

Day: 3

Added the bags today to add humidity

7 years ago

Day: 2

No nutrients

7 years ago