Gelato & Do-Si-Dos
Aug. 2022
Day 106 (Week 16)
5 updates
7 photos
Day: 106

Moved gelato over to flower 10 days ago. Do-si-dos is at 61 days in flower. 10 days ago, both ladies were infested with white flies or aphids. Trimmed all purple stemmed leaves and put them in the shower and used a sprayer with a little dish soap and water to spray all the insect and eggs off the plant. Than gave them a shower to get rid of any soap. Also applied meek oil after they dried off from the shower. Seems to be holding up. Still got some insects but nowhere close to what was going on before. Just hoping to get to harvest. First time dealing with pests.
3 years ago
Day: 55

Moving do-si-dos to flower today. Keeping gelato in veg a few more weeks to split up harvest time
3 years ago
menafi How can you tell if the plants are ready to harvest?
Day: 49

I may be moving 1 of these ladies over to flower soon. Always like split them up at least 3 weeks for easier harvest and trimming
3 years ago
Day: 17

Off to a good start
4 years ago
Day: 0

Ready, set… go!
4 years ago