New Bloom Room
Watermelon Zkittlez, mystery, FreakShow clone and 11Roses clone starting week 7. One watermelon Zkittlez start flower 1/5/23
Day 298 (Week 43)
12 updates
26 photos
Day: 298

Just an update on current run in the Bloom Room. Just harvested 2 yesterday. And fed Bloom Room today. Currently in bloom is Kong Kush, Jelly Donut, and Purple Crumble. Being week 5 really starting to smell sweet like candy.
a year ago
Day: 63

Week 9 watermelon Zkittlez. Will probably chop tomorrow. All the rest 1week down.
2 years ago
Day: 56

Start week 8 on watermelon Zkittlez and clones. Day 1 on the rest.
2 years ago
Day: 53

4 days into week7. Everything getting 1.5-2 hrs UV-B treatment daily.
2 years ago
N8iveKush320 Nice!!
Day: 49

1 day into week7 on Watermelon Zkittlez and a couple others week6 on clone
2 years ago
Day: 41

Week6 on Watermelon Zkittlez and clones. Week5 on Watermelon Wonder and Zkittlez clone
2 years ago
Day: 33

Week3 on 2. Week5 on 4. Kinda don’t like having them in such different stages of growth. Makes RH and temp more of a chore trying to keep them happy.
2 years ago
Day: 27

Starting week 4 watermelon Wonder and a watermelon Zkittlez clone half way through week 2
2 years ago
Day: 19

3 finishing up starting week 9, Watermelon Zkittlez and some clones starting week 3, and Watermelon Wonder starting week 1
2 years ago
Day: 12

Moving along. Started a clean up on new ones. Bout 2 weeks in.
2 years ago
Day: 9

51 out of roughly 63 days on 3. A couple more weeks to go.
2 years ago
Day: 4

4 starting week7. 3 starting week1
2 years ago
Leland3471 Nice room!
Vgrow Thnx. I just need to work on removing lower and B buds. I’m afraid to cut on to much not wanting them to herm.