

AutoBanana Kush and Runtz Grow

July 2024

Sown into 5 gallon pots directly, 50% Ocean Forest, 50% coco/pearlite blend (70/30) with hopes it avoids transplant shock. 4 seeds cracked however only 3 rooted. I already started this grow on the wrong foot because I didn’t label the plants so I hope that they hold true to their namesakes and I can identify them by growth, color and smell.

Banana Kush and Runtz Autoflowers

Day 64 (Week 10)


10 updates

61 photos

Day: 64


Plant 1 is looking good, bud size is smaller but overall it seems like it’ll yield well. Plant 2, looking back, the signs of calcium deficiency was present 3 weeks ago and I just didn’t see it. We flushed last week and I watered with a little extra cal/mag but I think it’s a damage done circumstance. The buds look great on it, but the ripening is coming at a slower rate I think. Much chunkier buds on it and much firmer to the touch. I won’t complain. Plant 3 has some pretty awesome colas. It’s starting to deplete out the nitrogen but overall looks healthy. Should be a great producer. This grow smells so heavy… I think I may need a new carbon filter come next grow… it’s possible that they are just that impressive when it comes to terpenes but I kinda think it’s an equipment deal.

12 hours ago

Day: 62


1-4 are on the tallest Runtz 5-7 are the Banana Kush and 8-10 are the Shorter Runtz (prolly Runtz) that seems a little Calcium Deficient and stunted a bit compared to the other.

3 days ago


seriousjamie Looking great. Another week?


Sweetness Hard to say… there’s still quite a lot of clear heads in there and not much if any amber. We’ll get some more pics in a week and see how they look then. The stunted Runtz is just starting to show pistol change so that one I think has several weeks to go. I love having this scope though. Never expected to use one outside of school lol, but it’s cool to get up close pics like this.

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Day: 58


Inching closer to the end. Fed once this week, full strength, and flushed 2 days later. Pistols are starting to turn this week. Trichromes continue to come in. Hoping the flush helps them crank up the juice. They are very smelly. Might be time to change the carbon scrubber after this grow is done.

7 days ago

Day: 51


Originally I thought the front two were Runtz, but actually only the front left is Runtz with the front right and back being Banana Kush. Both of them have the same strong young banana creaminess with a hint of sweetness. The Runtz smells like candied fruit rolled in sugar. The buds are starting to swell and are starting to trichrome up now. Plants are drinking about a 1/2 gallon of water a day and feeding twice a week half strength.

14 days ago

Day: 44


Trimmed some of the lower fan leaves from plants which were becoming nitrogen poor. This past week, the plants have definitely increased water needs. I watered 1/2 gallons per plant 4 times in 7 days with two of those including 1/2 strength nutrients. I can now identify the difference in genetics with the back solo plant being the Banana Kush. It has a distinctly banana / tropical smell which is nothing like the front two plants. Also, didn’t grow as tall, bush as much and buds on it started thickening earlier which aligns with it being noted as the quicker to finish strain.

21 days ago

Day: 37


Buds developing, starting to stretch. Over fertilized a bit early in the week but they seems to be ok

a month ago

Day: 29


Through 4 weeks now. All plants have shown pistols. Plants are adding some good growth. I pruned off some of the lower arm side branches looking to keep just the top and fan leaves. So far I like what I’m seeing from all of the plants, structure wise. Most of the growth arms have great light access and the ones that were buried underneath got removed. Plants 1 and 2 both have a strong bouquet already. No clear notes as of yet, but definitely reeks of weed. The smaller plant 3 has a gentler aroma, less side growth, but is finally picking up the pace of things.

a month ago

Day: 23


Topped the two developed plants, FIM’d the shorter less developed one. Removed lower branches today. The bushy short one was half on the dirt so it needed doing. I’ll leave ‘em alone for a week to recoup. Hopefully we get one more week of veg and not early flower. Fingers crossed.

a month ago

Day: 16


These are day 15 pics from the past week. Not sure on plant 3 if I expect any success with it. It just seems to be a runt… which makes sense, I suppose, if it happens to be Runtz. But not if it’s Banana Kush.

2 months ago

Day: 8


I failed to label them at birth, but I suspect the 1st two pics are the same strain because of the odd 1st left and its mutant arm appearing on both to some degree. The third one looks like a normal start so far. Basement has been dry now for a whole 2 weeks and it’s supposed to be hot and dry for the rest of July so I feel good that my water issues might finally have subsided.

2 months ago