Green Futures
The Lil Devils (aka the Lucindas/Lucys)
My first run at autos.
I bought a 3 pack of seeds. There were 4 in the vial!!! Let’s go boi!
Devil Fruit (ogreberry+smellOfSuccess) auto fem
Day 141 (Week 21)
39 updates
175 photos
Day: 141

So it’s been a little while. I had the skruff on freeze. Pulled it out, laid it out… and was blasted with this unfamiliar smell… well unfamiliar in respect to this weed. It’s like weedy lemon pledge. I’m decarbing now and my house is just decadent air. Found a couple big large bits and pulled them out of the skruff pile. They smell lemony too. Sooo… freezer cured huh? I’m ah go read about that. Maybe try an experiment at some point in 25.
2 months ago
combatmedic81 If it were me I would be stripping those sugar leaves before I put in the grinder, but everyone to their own
20After4 +1 on removing those leaves. Throw them on that cookie sheet and make some edibles. I’ve heard of drying and curing in the fridge before.
Green Futures I’m low on burnables. And it was actually quite nice.
Day: 95

I called it. All Lucy’s have been harvested and are somewhere in the drying/curing process. Things I learned. I like autos, I’m gonna deff do it again. Don’t switch to 12/12 (it was logistics, but I has regrets). I need a bigger light. … I can do this. Good night Lucys.
4 months ago
Day: 91

Dislike the yellow. But at this point, what am I gonna do about it? I took the 4 biggest branches and cleaned up the shadow makers and blegh looking leaves in an attempt to ease the burden. Shrug? sent em to dry land. Bare till piddles yesterday. I’d like to see more amber in the trikes… but I’ll prolly call the rest of it later this week one way or another.
4 months ago
AlexHerer yellow looks just fine bro good plant
Day: 84

Nootz. We have decided this last Lucy is gonna be a narc. We’re waiting for ambers. Still seeing a mix of clear and cloudy trikes. Smells great. They’re denser than the other 3 were, but smaller. And in the drying tent, the others. I really dislike the look of dry trimming, but I gotta try it at least once, I hear it’s worth it. I don’t mind burning some wet stuff, but it’s super hard to get it prepped like this. I’ll end up wet trimming a small portion so it’s more usable while waiting on everything else.
4 months ago
Day: 82

1/2/3 have all been chopped and hung. Decided I would turn my new 2x4 into a drying chamber. Trying dry trimming for the first time. Darkness for the first time. Yay for infrastructure and having it now. 4 is not ready. I think imma run it long and make some narc weed. Wetness applied till piddles. Moved the 100w, now it’s 300w of uneven power. Works for me. Also… dat power consumption!? Anyone know anything that uses 1w?
4 months ago
RoMag I’m sure your “infrastructure” drying tent was an investment afforded under the New Infrastructure Act!!! LOL
Green Futures I’m applying for federal aid now. Hahah. Actually… it was all upside app money. Yay rebates!
Day: 79

TRIKE WATCH! Closer and closer. The glassy’er lookin ones are from the lower regions of #4.
4 months ago
ajam_fam Awesome!
Day: 77

Nootz. Piddles. Blah blah blah. Cleaned em up. Gotta stay airy. No Pm, no rott. Trikes looking good, but not quite ready. Live view of the scope is much easier to see specifics. Can’t snap a focused scope pic to save my ass.
4 months ago
RoMag What a “sticky” mess!!! LOL We all wish to have this problem.
Green Futures Is a great problem to have. And I intend to always be burdened on this manner.
ajam_fam Looking good!
Day: 75

Took some trike pics last nite. They’re a mix of all 4 of them and I have no idea which pics are which. I’m just showing em off. Now comes the decision, to bro science or not. Flush? Darkness before harvest? Haven’t bothered with any of that after I watched some stuff from the Apogee Instruments guy. Eh. Whatever. I’ll most likely just stop nootz and cut so I can move on to the futures. Maybe next week? All guesses. Trikes will signal when it’s time.
4 months ago
Discpimp🔥 Dark before harvest has been proven to be bro science 100% and actually full light for 48 hours has been shown to be beneficial. Flush depends on how heavy you’ve been feeding them but is also sort of bs imo.
Green Futures That’s kinda where I was leaning. But that bro chamber is loud and echoy. I’ve been happy with everything with not doing that stuff. But… I always wonder.
combatmedic81 I’d go with darkness . I tried the last 48-72 hours with lights on one time and I think it stresses them in a bad way too much. I always flush the last 10 days or so and so far the smoke has been great with light grey ash
Day: 74

(Pretend u posted this yesterday). Picture day! Is 10 excessive? I don’t care. It’s so damn lovely in there. I now believe in the power of autos. Mmmmm. Stretched em out a little to get the center some air/light. I made up some recharge bare. Wetness till the piddle. Had one accident. Broke a main cola right at the bottom. But I was able to make this tie strap contraption to compress it back together. I’m learning to be quicker to the LST.
4 months ago
boomerblesi Yep me too lol
Day: 70

TRIKE NIGHT! … wait for it… 2-3 more weeks? Prolly. No work done, just peepin.
5 months ago
Day: 69

NOICE!!! (See day #) Nooted. Everything seems lovely.
5 months ago
Day: 67

TRIKE CHECK! Yep… another 2 weeks (joke). No work, just pics. And a sunset. Noice.
5 months ago
Day: 66

Forgot to post on the 14th. Nooted. So much happy in this tent.
5 months ago
Day: 57

I watered yesterday eve. Something something bare.
5 months ago
Day: 53

Everything seems fucking fantastic in here. They were still a bit damp yesterday, so today we feed. 6.3’ish, 4 ffbb, .5 ffgb, 1 fftb. The 4 of them split 3 gallons. Mediocre piddle across the board.
5 months ago
Day: 50

6-10 cups bare a piece. I’d have done noots, but I’m broke and get paid Wednesday. So, they’ll eat Wednesday evening. Cleaned up the lower and middle of 1-3, little more breezy. 4 got some of that but also a little LST.
5 months ago
boomerblesi Awesomeness
seriousjamie Discord me your address and I’ll Amazon yiu a bag of nutes
boomerblesi Wow what an offer you’re amazing
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Day: 47

Another day. Another bare .5 to .75… maybe. I’m really guessing. I make em piddle a liddle. Fabulous grow so far. If it keeps going this well, I may funk with autos again.
5 months ago
Day: 45

Everyone seems flowery. So they’re all together now. They all got full regular flower nooted, between .5 and a gal. Trimmed lower bits that were hanging down in the dirt. Feeling good about this batch.
5 months ago
boomerblesi Looks nice
Day: 43

Lucinda 1-3 moved over to the big tent. 4 isn’t showing signs of flower yet, so she’s staying put for now. It was late, so the 12 hour loop switched about 30 mins before this pic.
5 months ago
Day: 42

Starting to run outta room, those Mintz need to hurry up. Gave each 4-8 cups bare a piece. Got their bottoms wet and called it a day. The CFO (wifey) thought Lucinda/Lucy was a good name set. I agree. Devil Fruits. Lucy daughter of the Devil. Yup.
6 months ago
Day: 39

Removed most of the dearth (it really makes concrete outta dirt if ya don’t in my experience.) 6-8 cups of nooted water a piece. Really looking forward to moving these 3-4 outta here. Need a bigger tent and a bigger light too. Futures.
6 months ago
Day: 38

I should prolly declare flower on this now. Everyone got a D’Earthen last night. Damn gnats came back. Haven’t see much of them in the other tent. Some day. Didn’t do anything else since wetness is the enemy of Dearth, just makes it useless mush.
6 months ago
Green Futures Posted this like 20 hours late.
Day: 34

I’m not 100 on whether those were balls or not now. I see em on another one of the devils, but there are big ole pistols flowing out. So, maybe it’s just genetics and it looks diff. Well, I’m watching closely daily. They all got wetted till they piddled a bit. Oh, and I finally topped 4.
6 months ago
Day: 31

Wtf #1! Ugh. I chopped em off and I’ll be watching closely. I don’t see any other dude signs. The others got girlie signs. Only work done was the chop. Hi yah!!! 🔪🥜
6 months ago
Day: 30

A month is up. Noot time mf’r. Made up 2 gallons, but only used a little more than one. Everyone got 6 cups (then the wetness of the bottom appeared!) per gal, (all tbs) 2 ff big boom, 1 grow big, 1 cal mag. 6.35 on the ph.
6 months ago
Day: 28

1 2 and 3’s Response to their hair cuts have been good. Gave em each a bare gal. 4 is still small, but progressing. The mystery seedling is just chilling, mourning the loss of its germ mate. Life goes on.
6 months ago
Day: 26

3 cups bare a piece. 4 is alive and moving, yay! I topped everyone (cept 4) yesterday evening but forgot to post. Oops. And a nice pic of the family chillin in the 2x2. Can’t wait to up this to a 2x4 and move my 200w over and drop a 300-350 in my 4x4.
6 months ago
Day: 22

Gave em a proper soaking. Between 6-9 cups bare a piece. In reality that was what it took to get the bottom to pee just a little, nothing crazy. I also topped #1. The others aren’t big enough on node 5/6 to clip yet. And #4… please? Ugh.
6 months ago
Day: 21

Cup and a half a piece of bare. Did 4 change? I don’t know. Come’on 4! Let’s go girl!
6 months ago
Day: 19

I’m declaring veg. Gave everyone a cup bare. I think 4 is moving again. Hope. I has it.
6 months ago
Day: 18

Bare 150ml. But then I thought about it… I shoulda started bigger pots since these are autos. So I went and got some 3 gals and moved em all. Then another 2 cups of bare a piece. I’ll prolly water a cup or so tomorrow too since it’s new dirt. It was good timing anyways. Thanks roots were all at the bottom… even 4! It’s doing shit below ground and nothing above.
6 months ago
Day: 15

150ml bare to each. #1 took a little damage, I’m a clutz sometimes. #2&3 seems normal. #4 is still the same size it was a week ago. But it’s looking nice… if it was spose to be that small.
6 months ago
Day: 12

I cleaned up the Dearth yesterday, didn’t seem worth a post. Today Everyone got 150ml bare. I finally named and numbered em too. Little Devils since they’re devils fruit. 1, because it’s the biggest. 2, because second place. 3, has 3 leaves… makes sense. And 4 is the little gal. She’s lagging. Not sure why. But… I paid for 3 and 4 seeds were in the vial. Sooooo… she’s extra credit. Heck, the lagging one I second guessed in the Kimmys is outside and being a boss. So. Wtf do I know rite?
6 months ago
Day: 10

And in an instant… winter is upon us. Or maybe it’s just Dearth? Yup. Diatomaceous Earth. I’ve got a funkin’ gnat problem if ya don’t know, check it. It’s ground up fossils, and on a microscopic level, a giant pile of broken glass and razor blades. Gnats land, get cut up, it dries em out, they die. I’ll take it and the top layer of dirt off in a day or two and then add some replacement dirt. And I’ll shop vac the rest out of the tent. Tip: Gotta turn the fans off/down, or ya can turn the tent into a snow globe. I worry about that during flower, but ain’t none of this final product. Ain’t no where to land MF’rs! you all die!!! … that’s all I did today. Dearth. It’s the shiz, and it’s cheap. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
7 months ago
Hollomandious Crazy how almost instantly the swarm is gone. Or they’re all in my room. Ick. Oh well. Harmless to me.
Hollomandious Hahaha. I forgot about the handicap rail I’m using as an intake vent from an upper vent. I closed the tent. Remembered that I need to drop the light back down, opened it up… SNOW GLOBE! I should get a larger diameter feed so it doesn’t push into the tent so hard.
Hollomandious And maybe bring it to a corner pointing down instead of across the floor.
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Day: 8

200ml bare. They were feeling dry on a finger poke.
7 months ago
supremdoodl Hell yea bro on day 5 myself
Day: 6

1.5 bare cups each. Did it last night, forgot to post. Oops.
7 months ago
supremdoodl Looking good, mine just popped up a few days ago, fox farm soil as well
supremdoodl Full 1 and a half cups of water? I fed way less just curious as a beginner
Hollomandious I could prolly go a lot less. I was taking those volumes to be directed at a solo cup amount of dirt. But I’ve got these 1 liter nursery pots. Gonna prolly drop back to the 200ml in the future.
Day: 4

They all popped the crust!!!!! Not doing anything. Just wanna celebrate!!! Woooo!!!
7 months ago
Day: 2

Taps!!! And now they’re in the happy frog dirts. I shoulda took a pic of the taps. I have regrets. On well. I’m over it.
7 months ago
Day: 0

Wetted and in a baggie, heating on top of my light.
7 months ago