
Kali Mist - Bagseed

First Grow

Nicknamed “Kassie Mountain”, bagseed found in some Kali Mist from California given by the cousin of my boyfriend

Kali Mist

Day 204 (Week 30)

47 updates

93 photos

Day: 204

Finding some nanners

4 years ago

Day: 189

Switching back to lemon juice to acidify the water

4 years ago

Day: 183

1 ft 7 inches. Extracted seeds from the one pollinated cola because it looks like there’s some bud rot going on and I can’t risk losing those seeds. 17 taken so far

4 years ago

Day: 176


1 ft 7 inches, hungry for water

4 years ago

Day: 158


I see orange pistils!! Watered today

5 years ago

Day: 157


Some trimming today and maintenance

5 years ago

Day: 153

Amended with tiny bit of oyster shell flour. Earlier amended with peat moss to lower ph, and 2 weeks ago with kelp meal, bone meal and worm castings

5 years ago

Day: 129

1 ft 4 inches, 7.0 ph

5 years ago

Day: 96

10 oz of ph 6.7 . 1 ft and 3 in. Looking droopy. She might prefer less than 10 oz right now

5 years ago

Day: 95

Looking so much better! Finnicky lady. No further signs of the wet spots. Some purple stems, older growth tips are discoloring and turning brown. She’s got one viable clone I could take.

5 years ago

Day: 92

Watered at ph 6.7, moved to basement with temperatures in 60’s F and 50% RH

5 years ago

Day: 88

Lookin good!

5 years ago

Day: 86


1 foot and 2 inches. Trimmed off excessive leaves, sprayed with Organocide

5 years ago

Day: 83

Watered at 6.67 ph and fed 1/8 cup of fertilizer

5 years ago

Day: 75

Watered at ph 6.87 yesterday

5 years ago

Day: 74

LST today! Just did her two main stems to let the other branches have a chance to catch up

5 years ago

Day: 72

Gonna LST this lady soon!

5 years ago

Day: 70


Finally watered yesterday! She appears to have a phosphorous deficiency but her run off is decent so I guess I just need to feed her? I’ll wait until the next watering, check the run off again, and then amend. Also added a fan for good air flow and cooler temperatures

5 years ago

Day: 62


Yesterday I removed a few inches of topsoil with larva and eggs in it, put it in a plastic bag and threw it away. I soaked the remaining soil with diluted neem oil, and then recovered with new clean topsoil. Dramatically reduced the gnats, though I’ve since seen one or two.

5 years ago

Day: 61

Update! Used Organocide for the fungus gnats but it doesn’t seem as powerful as I’d like it

5 years ago

Day: 58

Topped her today! Also watered with 3:1 water hydrogen peroxide and set out gnat traps

5 years ago

Day: 56

5 and 1/4 inches. Switched to 400W at 26 inches away from canopy

5 years ago

Day: 52

Watered yesterday at 6.68 ph, ph-ed down with lemon juice. 4 and 1/2 inches

5 years ago

Day: 48

She’s really developed and shot up a whole lot but I’m worried about her stunted lower leaves

5 years ago

Day: 45


It looks like the cayenne solution might have been too strong. That, coupled with my now new 300W grow light (thank you baby!) burned her leaves. We had to switch back to 45W just to be easy on em. Will be waiting another day before spraying with diluted cayenne solution. Also sprinkled Espoma Rose Food (4-3-2) and some more potting soil over top because she stinky

5 years ago

Day: 43

AJAX soap and water sprayed, will leave on for an hour and then spray and wipe off.

5 years ago

Day: 41

Yesterday I sprayed 1 tbsp cayenne pepper + 3 cloves of garlic + pot of boiling water left to seep for several hours on all leaves, leaving it on for 1 hr before spraying it off with clean water and then gently wiping with napkins. I’ve also set out a fly trap for the gnats with a sprinkle of sugar + 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar + 1 tbsp warm water + a small squirt of dish soap. Might want to wait until the day after tomorrow to apply a dish soap + water solution to suffocate the spider mites. Also trying to keep it dryer and colder

5 years ago

Day: 40

So sunflowers brought inside because of the thunderstorms have introduced fungus gnats. And a farmer’s market tomato seedling gave me spider mites.

5 years ago

Day: 39


Watered at ph 7.3, tap water left out overnight with some bone meal and compost sitting in it. I wish I could make compost tea but I don’t have a way to pump air in for 24 hours straight, and I haven’t ordered phUP or phDOWN yet. The new light made her perk up big time, as well as now stable humidity and temperatures. 3 inches

5 years ago

Day: 38

Finally got a cheapo 45W LED light, I have it 36” away from the tops of the plants. Someone from rollitup.com suggested that her tips could be from stunted growth and stress, so hopefully this light will help. Will be watering her tomorrow! She seems to dry up a bit faster than her sisters, might be a slightly heavier drinker

5 years ago

Day: 37

Worried about the tips of her leaves, I think it’s burn from the lamp I have hence stopped using but it could be something else. Would much appreciate any help!

5 years ago

Day: 36

2 and 1/2 inches

5 years ago

Day: 35

Watered at 6.8 ph. Humidity is all screwy because of the rain

5 years ago

Day: 34

Finally perked up! Whether it’s her finally recovering from transplant shock or she dried out enough not to be overwatered, I’m just happy to see her happy

5 years ago

Angel96 Looks like she’s pe4king back up!

witchcat It’s very reassuring to see!

Day: 33


Damn humid and cold night last night. Not happy about her droopy leaves still.

5 years ago

Day: 32

Her second node is lengthening and the red stalk is fading! Very good sign! Her odd stalk worries me though, that perhaps she twisted and now her stalk is uneven? Top growth indicates that nutrients and oxygen are still being delivered, so I’m not too worried about it.

5 years ago

Day: 31

Lovely lady

5 years ago

Day: 29

Transplanted into Nature Care potting soil, she now stands at 2 and 1/4 inches.

5 years ago

Day: 26


She’s chilling. Got my ph meter and turns out the distilled water was too low a ph, which makes sense for her red stem. Also that my humidity was too low and the temperatures at night are also too high

5 years ago

Day: 25

3 and 1/8 inches. Her lean seems more pronounced and her stem above the first stem is incredibly red. Ph meter and thermometer are coming tomorrow and hopefully it’s just an issue of ph imbalance or wacky temps and humidity. I’m intending on transplanting on Day 30 into a 3 gallon pot

5 years ago

Day: 23

Overcast and cold, so she’s got 20 watts overhead and 36 to the left. Obviously not enough. Also, I’ve been reading up on stem purpling, since the stem past her cotyledon leaves is purple-ish. I need my damn ph monitor to rule that out before I try a magnesium amendment. She’s stressed, poor girl

5 years ago

Day: 22

Finally watered this lady with tap water (ph?). Her second set of leaves are moving slowly but surely! Also fucked up her dark time since I manually take them out of dark 6-7 am, but today I woke up at 9:30, slept through all my alarms 😬 Need a damn timer

5 years ago

Day: 21

No watering for her today, soil is a little damp still and we had an issue with overwatering (by “we” I mean “me and my dumb self”) so I’d rather her dry up a bit more, perhaps by tomorrow we’ll water.

5 years ago

Day: 20


This little lady might get a watering tomorrow, she’s still a bit wet down about an inch. Nice to see her stalk straightening and her leaves perking up. There seems to be some saprophytic fungi on her soil but I’m not worried about it, since there’s a good amount of compost in her soil.

5 years ago

BigousDikous I started mine out in tiny clay planters, like 20 cents each lol but yes, I moved mine into 2 litter bottles with the tops put back into the container to make self watering planters

witchcat Oh that’s cool! I’m thinking of moving her to a 3 gal planter, not clay because I have a dog lol

Day: 19

She seems to be getting stronger by the day! I’ve been doing more Kali Mist specific growing conditions and I would love it if she stayed close to the 77 day predicted growth length. A bit of a lean to her stem but we can straighten that out

5 years ago

Day: 18

She is looking good! Her stalk is finally starting to look healthier and her leaves are coming along nicely. Very rainy and overcast today, so the daylight lamp is probably going to need to supplement the sunlight the rest of the day. Damn, I really need a proper grow light...

5 years ago

Day: 17

3 and 1/4 inches tall, some stretching at a young age. I have a Verilux daylight lamp and a greenhouse sun porch. I know these bad girls can stretch a lot so I’m a bit worried about height. Only seed I got so I want to make sure she gets to flower!

5 years ago

witchcat I’ve been watering from distilled bottle water (ph unknown, corona has slowed Amazon!) when it looks dry. Exact temperature and humidity is also unknown since my thermometer is in the mail. My lamp is on from sundown to 10 pm, and I take her outta dark at 6-7 am. At Day 7 I gave her “liquid fertilizer” of eggshell and dandelion, and yesterday I amended the soil with bone meal.