
The fall clones

Fall 2020

Clones from all the outdoor plants, rooted in root riot plugs and then put in jiffy pots, half FFOF (little more than) and half RO soil (little less than), and 2 put straight into 3gs on 9-6.

Blue Fire, GMO, Wedding Cake, God’s Gift, Pineapple Express

Day 52 (Week 8)

3 updates

7 photos

Day: 52

Bit of water today by Jack

4 years ago

Day: 25

Repotted into 3g pots

4 years ago

Day: 0

Almost all have rooted now, 14/15. 3 GMOs, 2 PE, 1 BF & 1 GG put in jiffy pots today in FFOF soil, and 2 BF, 2 WC and 1 PE in RO soil. Planning to put the other two rooted ones in 3Gs tmrw and compare the growth and resulting root structure after a week, in each kind of soil and each kind of pot. Not too scientific but scientific-ish and interesting anyways, that’s good enough for me.

5 years ago