Patty Black

Patty Black

Purple Punch


Put 1 seed in glass of water w splash of hydrogen peroxide will put into paper towel tomorrow night. GROW PLAN: Germinate for a few days until tap root shows. Place into 5gal pot of Sunshine Pro 4 and keep in veg tent until Auto tent is available (sometime in August). PP will grow alongside Mota Hari for about a month. 1st month will be under MH FCE3000 until moved into the 2x2 with the MH TS1000. Gaia Green (AP/Bloom/Glacier Rock)

Purple Punch Autoflower

Day 83 (Week 12)


38 updates

85 photos

Day: 83

Untrimmed in first pic. Weighs in at 46 grams. Not a big haul but 1.6oz is better than a stick to the eye! Smells great!

a year ago

Rasta Man

Rasta Man Not bad at all was the banana punch autoflower?


cookredeyed Yes. Autoflower

Rasta Man

Rasta Man Not bad for auto flower

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Day: 74

She is small but all bud! Chop on day 74!

a year ago


amithus Congrats brotha! They have some great looking structure to them. Nice work.


cookredeyed Thanks!! Can’t wait to have a sample!!

Day: 70

I decided to water one more time before I chop chop. My plan is to cut her down on Saturday. I took a time lapse vid of her life from around day 6 until now. Turned out kinda cool. It’s rough but still neat.

a year ago

LeChron James

LeChron James Wish you could post that vid. What device did you use?


cookredeyed I used my Wyze cameras to do it. It is by no means “high quality”. Pretty low quality in fact. But it is still cool. I had a link to it but I haven’t ever seen anyone posting links so I removed it



Day: 68


I’m wondering if some of the leaf curl could be because she hasn’t been getting fed at all. I top dressed 30 days ago and I’m sure she was hungry. 🤷. Either way she is nearly done and I’ll be chopping soon I expect. Prob in the next week.

a year ago

Professor Chag

Professor Chag Cannabis leaf edges may wrinkle and become dry/crispy and curled if your temperatures get too high. In hot conditions the leaf cells transpire water faster than it can be supplied, resulting in unusual leaf curling.


cookredeyed It is hot here right now, having a heat wave. However, the curl has been going since before the heat wave began. Aside from the curl plant seeds healthy!

Professor Chag

Professor Chag I agree they are extremely healthy regardless. They are beautiful 🤩

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Day: 64


Watered today. Buds are super dense, sticky, and really smelling great. Leaves are still clawed down but it isn’t getting worse (not better) but plant overall seems healthy

a year ago

LeChron James

LeChron James Looks great! I need to grow this strain. I’ve grown a couple that have purple punch as a parent and loved them


cookredeyed This is my 2nd go at it. It was the 2nd strain I grew and I f’d it up. This one is turning out a lot better; though I’m doing a lot different than when I first began growing!

LeChron James

LeChron James Unless you’re overwatering the clawing is probably from a fan blowing too hard. Can you turn the fan down to a lower speed or set it to oscillate?

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Day: 58


Watered today. I also raised the light today too. I think it was way too low raised from about 14” to 22”. Leaves still have the clawing going on but it doesn’t seem to be worsening. Tent smells a little skunky and buds are super sticky. I think my garage is gonna start to smell really good soon 🤪 I don’t use a filter. For my exhaust fan🤪

a year ago


Devanguy56288 Looking good!


cookredeyed Thanks!!

Hopium420 Wicked! Doing Some GMO Autos From barneys only planted the seeds around a week ago 2days ago they sprouted and are really stretching il start to add Nutrients probs weekend maybe Monday I’m still a rookie doing this I’m my Closet around 3x2 using a Ts600 watt LED & Man the difference from HPS is incredible literally no heat just enough to keep here warm since I’m doing a 18/6 Schedule, Do u have any Advice or Tips for someone like me who hasn’t been doing it long? I can do mycology “really well” which is hard so I’m sure I can crack growing weed it’s hard to kill a stinging nettle lol 😂! My plagton Soil says I don’t need to Ph my Water as the Soil kinda sorta itself? Or shall I atleast check to see where I’m at? I’m smoking Purple Purpcicle it’s bloody Lovely! “I take no credit for the flower as my uncle grew it” and it’s weird as I don’t like Purple punch but I like Purpcicle which is just PP x2 cross over lol but it’s way different Taste like blueberries kinda Pastry 🥐 still lovely flowers Dude il update my profile tonight since it’s the start of my journey 😎 been wanting to do it for years since I been smoking nearly 20 haha! I have a Cancard too so Finally I can start to prefect my craft 🪴🤙🏻☮️

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Day: 55


Watered today with plain dechlorinated water (I ph’d water to 6.6; I try to ph water to around 6.4-6.7. I’ve read ph isn’t as important with organics as it is w bottle nutes, but my tap comes out at around 8.0+/- so I still lower it down). Buds are looking nice and are showing a lot of trichomes. I’m still at least a month out so I’m pretty excited to see how the buds develop! I also ordered some tent shelves for my ‘nanny-cams’ they are small and hold my camera pretty well. I also ordered 2 new cameras, which will arrive tomorrow, so I can use just ONE app to check on my tents! I f’n hate that I have cameras in all 3 tents, but each one is a different brand with a different app! Same camera/app will be so much nicer on my brain; its the little things in life! LOL! Also, I believe that there is a slight N toxicity with the auto lower leaves (mainly) are clawing down. I added worm castings when I top dressed last, and I believe this is where it is coming from. From what I have read, I just need to “ride”it out for the most part.

a year ago


zer0applied Do you use the RV filter to take the chlorine out? Also, if you leave the water out overnight jb like a 5 gallon bucket with some like liqui dirt it’ll biome it out and lower the ph like the soil. Organic, soil fixing etc you know the drill.


cookredeyed I don’t use a filter for chlorine, but I have a 10g bucket which I have an air stone in so I can aerate water. I have never heard of the liqui-dirt until you mentioned it. Haven’t found a lot of info on it but I haven’t had much time to read up much but will when time allows!

Professor Chag

Professor Chag You can also add about 300 mg of powered vitamin c to your 10 gallon bucket; it will neutralize the chlorine/chloramines within 10 mins-15 mins

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Day: 53

Buds are developing well. I’m excited to see how she ends up. Last time I grew this strain I wasn’t pleased. But I’ve stepped up my ‘game’ a lot since! 😎

a year ago


Devanguy56288 Looks good 👍 Excited to see how she turns out for ya the second time around.


cookredeyed Thanks!! Me too!!

Day: 51

Looking pretty on this Wednesday!

a year ago

Day: 49

Buds get bigger each day. This is a pic prior to watering. I’ll give molasses and a little calmag as well. I removed a few light blocking leaves today too. Not many, maybe 4 or 5.

a year ago


amithus Looking awesome


cookredeyed Thanks Amithus!! I can see the growth daily! It’s so fun!


amithus Dude I keep looking at your grow to see what’s going to happen with mine. It’s been good to have you in front of mine so I don’t question what’s going on so much. Those buds are really looking amazing. I keep looking at them and dreaming about how mine will look.

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Day: 45

Moved into the 2x2 will water today too. Happy things are back on schedule more or less!

a year ago

Day: 44


(Front plant) buds buds buds! I’m seeing them get bigger each day! I’m going to put back into 2x2 soon. Then life will be back to normal.

a year ago


amithus They are like little puff balls. Your plants are looking great 👍

Day: 39


Watered today w molasses i doubt I’ll be top dressing again before harvesting. If I did, it would put me at around day 60, which I think is too close to harvest to feed again. Plant is looking healthy. Lots of bud sites!! Can’t wait to see them start to bulk up! When I grew this strain before buds were not great, pretty airy, but I’m doing a lot different than I was then and expect a very different outcome!! 🤞

2 years ago

Day: 38


Topped dressed w GG (flowering schedule). Gave a spritz of water just to get surface moist. She is looking good

2 years ago

Day: 35


Did a little bending to try and get everything about at the same height And to open her up a little. Buds are forming fast! Watering today. I should have top dressed w more Gaia green. I will on next water

2 years ago


amithus Oh hell yeah.


cookredeyed 😎 thanks!! She is looking pretty good! I bent her down a little more yesterday all tops are pretty even in height now

Day: 33

Moved back into tent w mota hari until OC x HJ is dried. I’ll then move her back into 2x2. Going to germinate seeds soon. Auto is the one up front

2 years ago

Day: 30


Gave a little water today. Seeing bud sites too. She still seems a bit small, but I’m guessing once her buds start to develop she’ll be something to look at! ;-) lol!

2 years ago


amithus Oh nice 👍 your grow is coming along nicely. I’m stoked to see where this winds up.


cookredeyed Thank you! I’m excited about seeing her develop too. I find this stage to be the most fun!

Day: 28

Looking good after lst. Moved ties down a little more. Top is just above lower branches.

2 years ago

Day: 26

Moved her into her own bedroom today. Now in Tent C. I also Trimmed off the bottom 2 leaves and bent her over. I will give some ph’d water too in a bit. I’m really seeing some growth on her now. I’m pretty happy with how she is doing and hope she responds well to the LST

2 years ago

Day: 24

Starting to grow. Will water tomorrow

2 years ago


amithus Looking awesome. Heck yeah.


cookredeyed Thanks!! Every day she is looking bigger and better!!

Day: 22

Looking better each day!

2 years ago

Day: 21


She is developing. Gave some water today trying to avoid base of stalk mostly watered a few inches away from base of stalk. I think w next auto I’ll start in solo cup and transplant vs starting in forever pot.

2 years ago

Day: 19

Gave a little water. Circled about 3” away from stem

2 years ago

Day: 18

She is looking like a pot plant! I’m happy. Hoping to see a growth explosion in the next 2 weeks. Fingers crossed 🤞

2 years ago

Day: 16

Today I top dressed w Gaia green AP (4T) PB (2T) and glacier rock dust ((2T). I also had a bit of my blend left over from transplanting the MH that I added over the mixed in top dress; this had some worm casting in it too. This wasn’t much. Maybe 4-6C enough to put a ½ in layer over top. I look forward to seeing results as I have not used GG before. This is my first feeding. Watered w dechlorinated water

2 years ago

Day: 14

I still think she is small but I’ve been singing to her and she is finally looking like a pot plant! I think she may be a runt but I’ll see it through.

2 years ago


zer0applied Nothing wrong with her

Day: 11

She is growing. Watering in a 5” circle w r/o water.

2 years ago

Day: 9

She finally has another set of leaves, but she is still pretty small. It has only been nine days however. still feeding with just water. I think most of the growth has happened since I’ve been watering instead of spraying

2 years ago

Day: 7

IDK, This is the slowest moving auto I’ve ever had. I swear that she is stunted. I have another Purple Punch seed, I am considering germinating it as well and see what happens. When I compare this seedling with my previous auto, the difference is night and day; the previous was 3X the size at least!

2 years ago

fozzybear99 Medium looks super dry....are you giving any water?


cookredeyed Yes. I spray with water in morning and early eve

fozzybear99 Just my 2cents but just looks too dry. I would pour water in a ring about 4 or 5 inches away from plant so roots will reach water....

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Day: 7

IDK, I swear she is stunted. Day 7 and she is still tiny. Pic 2 is of my last auto at day 13 (so only 5 days older) and there is several sets of leaves. Maybe this strain is just slow, idk. I’m thinking of starting another Purple Punch seed and seeing what happens; because if this one is a dud, I don’t want to be wasting my time

2 years ago


ig:@eaegifts Does look slow in comparison but the comparison pics environment looks a bit better imo, your rh looks better in that day 13 pic.


zer0applied I have been playing around a lot with germination and different environments etc and there is def a lot to be said for humidity, lighting, substrate etc. way more than I thought originally.


cookredeyed Thanks. I feel like she is starting to get some growth finally but she is still small, but I’m hoping in a couple weeks you’ll be a lot bigger otherwise I think I’m going to start a new seed. I have another one from the same breeder.

Day: 5

Still alive and getting bigger. Spraying with R/O water

2 years ago

Day: 4

Idk why I think she should be bigger. She is taller but leaves seem smaller than usual. I think I’m tripping. Rh in tent is 72%. Watering w R/O water in a sprayer.

2 years ago


zer0applied You’re tripping. It’s looking a little wet but I’m guessing you just watered her. She’s not damping off etc. if she still looks fine tomorrow then she’ll be fine.


cookredeyed lol! Thanks for comment! I did just water prior to pic. I always get paranoid in seedling stage! I mean she is only 4 days old! Lol. Cheers!

Day: 3

Purple punch growth seems a little slow. IDK. Prob fine. She is also slumped a little. Taking dome off. Hope it isn’t too early. I can tell she want to live and make me proud!

2 years ago


BobbyFresh Keep the humidity going 👍


cookredeyed I took humidity domes off. But I have a humidifier in tent. Rh in tent hovers around 70%. Took it off yesterday and she looked ok this morning. Fingers crossed 🤞!!

Day: 2

She is ready to see the world!

2 years ago

Day: 1

She finally broke the surface! Though she is wearing a helmet, I’m pretty certain she’ll grow out of it tomorrow. I hate this stage! I go from super excited to see a tap root to feeling anxious waiting for seedlings to break surface. But this part is over now (THANK DOG)! I wish I had been able to plant 2 weeks ago, I just couldn’t since I went out of town. I’m never leaving again!! LOL! I feel my grow schedule is off a little now.

2 years ago

Day: 1

I can see green! Her helmet came off (with a little help) and she is ready to see the world!!

2 years ago

Day: 0

Put 1 PP auto seed into water w a small splash of hydrogen peroxide. I will put in paper towels tomorrow for a day or two until tap root shows. Then into a 5 gallon pot of Sunshine Pro 4. Her forever home. I grew this strain once before and it turned out so-so, excited to see how different it’ll be under the new conditions.

2 years ago

Day: 0

She is in the ground! Fingers x’d!!

2 years ago