Multi Strain Drip and Drain autos
Flora Flex
Autos grown in 4” rockwool held by flora flex under optic 4 led
Barneys Autos
Day 14 (Week 2)
3 updates
8 photos
Day: 14
Plants starting to take off but leaf structure a lil funky. Can anyone tell me why?
6 years ago
TribalSeeds619 That grow setup looks awesome, are those the FloraFlex 4” size drip system?
Day: 12
Plants looking overwatered watering every 6 hrs now All look prettt good except northern lights. Any suggestions?
6 years ago
MadKat Hi May be the NL needs more light. Or be reacher to the lights. And perhaps for the Pineapple there is too much fluctuation of pH level (in french this words means a difference of level not usual and rapid). I’m not a pro but i had the same on a Hindu Kush auto last summer, i had corrected pH and it was ok. Can i ask you why you put ball stone (argile) in the bottom of the drain tank? It’s to conserve nutrients or protect uv? Thanks bye :)
Day: 7
Plants in tray. Feeding 2ml/g of micro UC roots and cal mag.
6 years ago
Yurpa It’s only my second grow so please throw any tips you have my way or point out anything I might be doing wrong. Thanks!