
Moby Dick XXL

First Grow

1 Moby Dick XXL Auto in a 7 gallon fabric pot. Coco medium and Dr. Earth dry amendments. Growing in a 3x3 Vivosun tent with the Mars Hydro TS600 for veg and Spider Farmer SF1000 for flower.

Moby Dick XXL Auto

Day 93 (Week 14)

18 updates

29 photos

Day: 93

Time to jar her up. 1 auto flower Moby Dick XXL post trim weight 52 grams.

5 years ago

Day: 79

The big chop

5 years ago

Day: 65


I believe the early yellowing is a nutrient deficiency and I may have cut the feed too early for the plant being in coco.

5 years ago

Day: 57


So far so good I think. Changes every day in the tent and I’m excited to wrap up this first grow.

5 years ago

Day: 54

Plant is getting super sticky. Smell is amazing and some of the pistil hairs are turning amber.

5 years ago

Day: 51


Hanging in there.

5 years ago

Day: 49

Rookie errors on trying to correct the yellowing tips. Any pros out there I’ll take some input.

5 years ago

Day: 45

Watered and some light defoliation of the lower canopy to get some fresh air thru the plant.

5 years ago

Day: 43


So far so good. Watered with no additives at a ph of 6.4

5 years ago

Day: 42

Watered on day 41. Yellowing on tips of plant is believed to be nutrient burn.

5 years ago

Day: 39

Lights raised from 12” above canopy to 18”. Also did a light defoliation of lower canopy.

5 years ago

Day: 36

Plant received top feeding. Watering supplemented with cal/mag, blackstrap molasses, and liquid seaweed.

5 years ago

Day: 32

Plant showing signs of pre flower.

5 years ago

Day: 29

Broke a stem during LST on day 28. Continued to water when dry with cal/mag supplement.

5 years ago

Day: 26

Started to see yellowing of the tips of the leaves. Introduced Cal / Mag to regular waterings. Also fed with compost tea on day 25.

5 years ago

Day: 23

Continuing to LST

5 years ago

Day: 18

Day 18 growth after receiving compost tea on day 17. LST also started.

5 years ago

Day: 15

Day 15 from breaking the medium.

5 years ago