

Gushers ??

Dec 2nd sprout day

Trail and error 1st time grow some started dec 2 some dec 10th

Gushers ??

Day 67 (Week 10)

10 updates

10 photos

Day: 69

Another boy 3rd one the rest are girls thank god

4 years ago

Day: 69

Another day in the tent tied my tallest down so the light could be shared with the other plants

4 years ago

Day: 67

Wonder if I changed my lighting time to soon??11-13

4 years ago

Day: 65

Got two males out the bunch gotta take out the tent

4 years ago


hashcompany Personally, I would keep separate and collect pollen. Looks like a healthy plant. Make some gushers crossed with ??? Sorry for your loss bro lol


drcamotwsu Is this how u cross bread plants leave this in with the females


drcamotwsu I still have it just not in a tent it’s on the table next my desktop now by the desk lamp

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Day: 55

Just transplanted two plants should’ve posted the roots but didn’t have a extra hand for the pic and didn’t wanna mess up any thing to get a pic maybe next time wondering why it’s dropped so much today tho

4 years ago


DannyPH Did you water them after you transplanted? I use to water after a transplant and would get this look. Now I pre water the soil before trans (days before) and when I transplant I don’t water and let the plant get use to the soil before a watering.


drcamotwsu Yea but right after I took this pic

Day: 54


4 years ago

Day: 54


4 years ago

Day: 54


4 years ago

Day: 54


4 years ago

Day: 47

The bigger 3 stared sprouting dec2 the smaller ones dec dec 20 and the water ph 6.6

4 years ago


VinceGrowing Looking good! Tie the bigger ones down soon to see better bud sites in the future


drcamotwsu Tie them down starting where