

1st grow

Summer 2022

Orange sherbet, forbidden runtz, purple lemonade and critical +2.0/ Amnesia Zittlez and Cherry Cola was added on day 21.


Day 67 (Week 10)

20 updates

42 photos

Day: 67

What’s wrong with her?

2 years ago


StonedTill420 What autoflower is this also what are you growing with? It looks looks like nutrient burn to me try to cut back on some nutes or it could be the nitrogen toxicity from the perlite


StonedTill420 That’s my guys


redbeard87 This one is Larry Lemon OG Auto. Fox farm and natures living soil.

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Day: 53

Cal-mag issue? First signs of a problem for the forbidden runtz

3 years ago


tbtbtb22 Shit I kinda had the same issue man. I Just cut those bad leaves then flushed it. And have been on a water diet for 2 weeks now and it looks much better. Maybe try that depending on how much longer until you chop.


Secman Give her a flush

Day: 53

Issue on the purple lemonade is getting worse. I’ve been giving them 5ML of cal-mag per gallon. Each plant receives 1 liter or just over every other day.

3 years ago


HeritageSecretGarden Look’s tastee


rhyno4200 Looks like pink lemonade too me. That’s purple on the leaves right?


Caliban Check the ph runoff to make sure you don’t have a lockout.

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Day: 53

So close to my first harvest. Orange sherbet and purple lemonade should be ready some time next week.

3 years ago

Day: 53

Orange sherbet is super frosty

3 years ago


HeritageSecretGarden Nice job bro looks good

Day: 38

First signs of frost on the forbidden runtz

3 years ago

Family Pharm Fluff

Family Pharm Fluff Looks super sativa very nice

Day: 35

Day 1 of week 6

3 years ago

Day: 33

First signs of frost from orange sherbet

3 years ago

Day: 32

Cherry cola and amnesia zkittlez 11 days old

3 years ago

Day: 30

Almost broke all the way off but the tape job worked like a charm. The leaves of the broken branch never even showed any signs of stress. I’ve got to try to remember to keep checking for balls Incase the stress causes it to hermie.

3 years ago

Day: 28

Broke the main stalk almost all the way off Forbidden Runtz trying to train today. Didn’t take much to snap it. Taped it and wire tied it hoping it will heal. Lesson learned the hard way, can only train the main stalk to a certain point during the grow.

3 years ago


combatmedic81 They usually heal pretty goos


Messagemetotradecuts Yeah man don’t stress it they’re early enough in flower if that stem dies even it will just divert all the growth into next bud down! Growers love

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Day: 25

What can y’all tell me about this? It’s not light burn. All the new growth has this yellowing on the tips.

3 years ago


combatmedic81 It’s normal for new growth


redbeard87 Okay. I haven’t seen this on the other plants and it just started happening to this one out of the blue. I guess I’m just paranoid because this is my first grow.


combatmedic81 Soil might be a little hot, but usually new growth does that. You could always go just ph’ed water for a bit too

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Day: 22

Is this an early sign of an issue? Watered yesterday afternoon with 2 Tbl of epsom salt in 3 gallons of water.

3 years ago


nnbuckley15 Looks like nitrogen deficiency


redbeard87 I forgot to mention that I forgot to PH the water before watering the plants.

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Day: 21

Amnesia Zittlez and cherry cola sprouted from soil with seed shell still attached.

3 years ago

Day: 20


First LST and defoliation. First signs of sexing on the 3 big ones. Stunted plant is recovering after a worm casting and 4-4-4 tea was given on day 19.

3 years ago

Day: 17

Is the discoloration the beginning signs of a problem?

3 years ago

Chief Smokalot

Chief Smokalot Check “ weed leaf diagnosis chart” on google images and compare which pic looks like yours then it gives you an idea of what’s going on.


Doobie123 That kind of discoloration in my opinion is something normal. Your plant looks super healthy and I wouldn’t worry about it

Day: 16

NEED ADVICE. She’s been pretty yellow since seedling and is having very slow growth compared to the other autos in the tent. How can I fix this problem?

3 years ago


ig:@eaegifts I’d increase Nitrogen 👍🏾


redbeard87 How do I do that growing organically?


ig:@eaegifts There’s organic nutrient lines available but as a fast fix I’d do an aact

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Day: 15


Possible slow growth. Fan leaves have taken several days to open up so light was turned to 80% Fan leaves for purple lemonade have not come out yet.

3 years ago

Day: 15


Gave the girls their first natures living soil tea. I forgot to check the PH of the tea before watering. 

3 years ago

Day: 13

Had to tie up the Critical +2.0 today to keep it from falling over any further.

3 years ago