Tutankhamon I
Summer 2021
1st grow. Doing everything wrong 🙄
Day 20 (Week 3)
5 updates
17 photos
Day: 20
Felling like she’s yellow-ish 🤔
4 years ago
moneymike1983 Maybe? I dunno. Looks ok to me. Maybe a bit of scorching on the tops of those leaves
minitumbler Ah, Silly me! That makes sense. Thanks. Honestly I’m anxious to get them outside but don’t want to do it too soon. In the meantime of course, it’s tricky to find the balance with my light. Appreciate it
Day: 17
Does this look like overwatering?
4 years ago
FiddlerFarms Nope, you shouldnt worry about over watering as long as you water when dry. Remember some strains even prefer the dryer environment but since you have a small container I wouldnt wait to long after the topsoil looks dry to water. With my 5 gal pots I can go about 2-3 days when the top is dry aswith my solo cup plants if I dont water them everymorning and night they start to stress and fall down.
minitumbler Ok phew! Lol that is pretty much what I’ve been finding... My gut has been right so far, I was surprised I think when some of them stressed so easily
TheChef420 Definitely doesn’t look like over watering bro your ok.
Day: 13
Why so yellow Tut?
4 years ago
minitumbler Oh ok! I started to give them nutes then I thought it was too soon cuz of the soil. Well I better get back to feeding them then, thank you 🙂
minitumbler Sounds like a plan! I was going to cut the recommended amount in half for now and ok, I knew I could bury the stem didn’t realize how much. I’ll definitely do that 😁
Day: 12
I suspect fungus gnats. I keep seeing them & swear the soil is always moving 😩
4 years ago
Day: 11
transplanted 2 days now
4 years ago