First grow
Fall 2020
7x3x5 grow tent with passive intake and 600 w LED
Candy cream and white widow autoflowers
Day 86 (Week 13)
15 updates
17 photos
Day: 86
January 19, 2000. There seem to be a LOT of new sugar leaves forming... confused about this one. It is farther along than the other white widows; however, the buds are smaller and look a lot different.
4 years ago
Day: 78
Nothing new. Plant is old. Supposed to be ready to harvest soon; however, we are nowhere close. Invested in a Mars Hydro LED.
4 years ago
Day: 70
Given compost tea on 12/29. More buds are forming; however, I’m afraid I don’t have enough light for all of the plants I have flowering in my tent. I have ordered a Mars hydro LED, waiting for it to arrive.
4 years ago
Day: 65
Making a compost tea for her. Flowering is coming along slowly. Will flush before adding more fox farm trio to avoid nute burn.
4 years ago
Day: 60
More buds are forming. Flowering is way behind Others that were planted over two weeks later.
4 years ago
Day: 50
Beginning to flower. Flushed with pH water today. Candy cream was tossed due to poor genetics and not enough light space.
4 years ago
Day: 41
WW day 41. CC day 40. Added gypsum to soil and put calcium nitrate around base. Watered week 6 (1/2 strength) fox farm trio + 1 ml liquid potassium + 1 gram epsom salt. White widow had some brown spots and tips (possible potassium deficiency).
4 years ago
Day: 35
WW day 35. CC day 34. Recently added magnesium, calcium nitrate, gypsum, and fox farm trio at half strength (week 5). Switched to full spectrum LED light. Recently began LST over the past few days.
4 years ago
Day: 24
November 18th. WW 24 days CC 23 days began fox farm nutrients at 1/2 strength
4 years ago
Day: 22
WW (day 19) 3 3/4” CC (day 18) 2 3/4” First feeding fox farm grow big and big bloom 1/2 strength (week 2 on feeding schedule) Watered 1/2 gallon each Gradually lowering light to tolerance.
4 years ago
Stiltarget What size pot?
Day: 18
Slow growth, especially candy cream WW 3.5” CC 2 1/4”
4 years ago
Day: 15
Day 12 WW auto/day 11 CC auto White widow leaf growth is improving. 2 1/4” wide. 23/4” tall Candy crush has yet to show much progress. 1 3/4” wide 2 1/8” tall
4 years ago
Day: 11
WW auto day 8 3 3/8” tall and 1 3/4” leaf span CC auto day 7 2 1/4” tall and 1 1/8” leaf span Second night on 18/6 light cycle Currently 23.6 C and 52% humidity Soil pH 5.5 Water pH 6.8
4 years ago
Day: 5
White widow is currently 2” tall. Candy cream emerged today, 1/4”. Currently on 24 hour light cycle.
4 years ago
Day: 1
Two 7 gallon pots Lambert’s LM-AP soil and 6.24 oz of 16-6-13 + micros
4 years ago