Quick one auto
First auto try out with 12/12 now with my bag seed once that one is done I will move to 24 hour light I think
Quick one rqs
Day 67 (Week 10)
17 updates
17 photos
Day: 67

Top nug was all clouds with about 20% amber matured much faster than the rest so this guy got cut wet trim and hung to dry
3 years ago
stick e fingerz Very nice bro 😎
Chuck1323 Lime green
stick e fingerz Lovely green
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Day: 63

Getting close to the end for this one don’t think I’ll get the yields I was hoping for
3 years ago
grower222333 Looking like it has another good 2-3 weeks if not more my guy. Looks like it has some potential, don’t cut too early. Do you think it’s getting to be time because of tich colors or something else?
CannaRabbit Especially RQS needs like 74-84 days ( sometimes 90 +- days) do you have the chance to check the trichomes?
bambam93 I am keeping an eye on the trichs starting to cloud I mean I’m just going off the max flowering timeline from the site but I won’t chop till she is ready I was thinking in a couple weeks trichs should hopefully be 10% amber
Day: 55

Just a couple more weeks and she will be ready maybe three at the most
3 years ago
Day: 51

No smell yet but starting get bigger
3 years ago
stick e fingerz Solid bam
bambam93 Thank you she’s looking pretty good now I got a purple queen auto and northern lights sprouting now can’t wait to see how those turn out honestly I can’t smoke because of my job but my wife needs meds but another year and I’ll be able to smoke again and I can’t wait
Day: 45

Buds starting to come in
3 years ago
Day: 32

Grown quite a bit since my last pic she has officially started flowering
3 years ago
Day: 21

Getting really tall fast trimmed some of the lower leaves out
3 years ago
Day: 18

Getting a couple inches a day
3 years ago
Day: 17

Coming in with its first set of true leaves
3 years ago
Day: 14

Starting some training with this one
3 years ago
HerbalSmokZz Is this by royal queen seeds this was the first plant I ever grew and I got 3ounces of a plant
bambam93 Damn hopefully I get the same yeah it’s quick one from royal queen seeds
Peng I grow RQS, but I grow outside
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Day: 12

Quick one auto rqs
3 years ago
Day: 11

A little bigger every day
3 years ago
pawpawsgrow What is that layered on your top soil?
bambam93 Some rocks at the garden store I’m trying it on the top layer to help with bugs since those little flies live in the top couple inches of soil
pawpawsgrow How are the rocks working out did it eliminate the pest?
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Day: 10

Quick one auto-rqs
3 years ago
Jpbuzzworthy Shit that looks really good for his age and only 1212. Make sure when you flip, that light is solidly 30 inches away for a week
bambam93 Yeah I was surprised I tried raising the container a little so it closer while the other one finishes but still pretty far away and she is looking good
Day: 8

First auto
3 years ago
$outhside412 Looks good!
bambam93 Thank you I’m growing 12/12 with my bag seed till that one is ready to dry and cure then I’ll switch it to 24 hour light I think