Gorilla girl
pheno Winter 2021 indoor
Biobizz cocomix, 1/ml Fish mix 0,5ml/l Calmag with Brita filtered water, ec around 0.8-1.0
Gorilla girl
Day 55 (Week 8)
2 updates
6 photos
Day: 55
Still having this issues…. Can you see these white dots? Are these caused by spider mites? Or Fungus Gnats? Trips could also be the problem but the sparkles look a bit different in my eyes….. I Hope to regulate the Problem buy flushing a bit now… what do you guys think ?
3 years ago
xXTheWolfXx It’s hard telling without knowing exactly what you have going on for an environment and where on the plant this is happening but I believe that could be the start of powdery mildew.. make sure your environment is bone dry with plenty of air circulation. Pick off the most effected leaves, spray plants and walls/floor liberally with 50/50 mix of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water with fan off for 5 minutes, then get a bunch of fans and dehumidifier in there and crank the dehumidifier all the way down to 30-40% RH and dry that grow room out..treat twice a day like this, it shouldn’t take more then a few days to kill off the powdery mildew, as long as you have a handle on the humidity..
xXTheWolfXx After you kill off the mildew, just keep you RH (relative humidity) below 80%
xXTheWolfXx Either that or get a exhaust fan and suck out all that humid air..the more biomass you have the more the need for better dehumidification…
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Day: 54
3 years ago
Matta2377 What are your ph and ec readings?
Kushltier Ec 1.0 drain was 1.6 but I think I figured out the problem.. Fungus gnats… ive literally tried everything that’s one last possible problem.. and I see small white animals jumping through my cocomix
Matta2377 I use Summit Mosquito Dunks Larvae Control Tablets in my coco before i plant and add some more thru the life cycle top dress
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