
First ever try


Transplanted 3 times started with way to little light in plan soil

First state fuel

Day 257 (Week 37)

33 updates

79 photos

Day: 257


53.26dry grams of mid shelve bud. Plus 37grams of trim and fluff bud I’m going to save until the end of run 2 and make bubble hash

5 years ago


Mystrain420 How much is in the jar? Post some bud pics👍🏾

Dukeshaba There’s 53 grams in there man

Dukeshaba They aren’t that bad bro

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Day: 251

Fields of amber lol

5 years ago

Day: 250

I turned my humidifier up to 60 my buds are drying way to quick they kinda lost there smell a little.

5 years ago

Tres4_growsloud Okay.. try to get your temps down as well... below 70👍🏾

Dukeshaba I’m trying man I need another god damn tent lol. These buds are so airy that I’m probably only going to smoke a little bit and make butter with it or something

Tres4_growsloud Ahh I hear u.. 👍🏾 maybe some bubble hash. Good stuff yo

Day: 250


Day 3 and I think it’s too warm in here they are airy buds but feel like they are getting drish on the outside already. Temp is like 70-75 humidity stays 45-55 because of the inkbird humidity control

5 years ago

Day: 249

Just for size. They are a bit airy but I’m happy af for a first try

5 years ago

Day: 248


Wow man it smells more now than ever before. I need a second canon filter

5 years ago


Mystrain420 Either that first pic is really close up or those are some huge buds😂. Nice job 👍🏾

Dukeshaba Thanks brother! For my first ever plant and a bag seed I’m happy as shit

Dukeshaba There’s a new pic for ya man with a tape lol

Day: 247

Finally cut down

5 years ago

Day: 246

She’ll be getting cut down to start drying today

5 years ago

Day: 245

Finally got my 1000x tell me what y’all think she’s done right?

5 years ago

Tres4_growsloud Mostly cloudy with a touch of amber👌🏽 that’s how I like it. If you’d let it go a bit longer where there’s more amber you’d get a more couch lock effect, some prefer that. But to me this is perfect 👌🏽.. good job 👏

Dukeshaba Thanks bro! I can’t freaking believe it! I found 7 seeds out of a year buying bud at my dispo, and this girl came from that. Now just to not fuck her up curing her. She had no light today but the pics. So tomorrow night I’m cutting her down to dry

Day: 244

She’s in the deep sleep about 10hrs into the 48 without light before the chop. I can’t even tell you how happy I am with her. I wish I had the right set up from the get go she was just starting to fade purple when her trichomes became all milky with amber around her. I learned so much from this I can’t wait to see what the next set turn out to look like.

5 years ago

Tres4_growsloud Nice, she made it, good stuff👍🏾 .. try to keep temps low, the lower the better👌🏽

Dukeshaba Yea bro it took for ever. I learned a ton on this shit: she was in flower like 12 weeks because I had bullshit lights until week 3. Then I cut all her fan leaves off all the time not knowing wtf I was doing until week 5 of flower.....

Dukeshaba And honestly man I bet she could go even longer yet I have a better loupe coming I’m going to put up pics of her trichomes so if you see them man let me know what you think please

Day: 243


I’m still waiting on this girl I see her swelling up In Spots still it seems to have slowed finally. Not much white hairs left probably 1/4. She’s fading nicely in spots and it looks like her sugar leaves are going purple too in her main canopy

5 years ago

Dukeshaba After moving the tent from the corner so I could walk around her I see enough of what I want light out on her. Cutting her down in 48hrs

Dukeshaba I really wish I could’ve waited for her to fade out more but hey the trichomes say what they say. Definitely getting something other than a jewelers loupe for my next set.

Day: 241


And the days go on.

5 years ago

Dukeshaba In spots I swear I still see new growth

Millhouse52 I think she’s done mate, those hairs are fully developed and I bet the trichs are amber too. Do you have a magnifying glass? Or a jewelers loupe?

Dukeshaba Yea bro I see maybe a hint of amber in spots but nothing I would say yea now there is an amber one

Day: 240

Waiting sucks lol...

5 years ago

Tres4_growsloud Lol 4 real

Day: 238

After learning so much more last night... she is actually almost there all of the trichomes on her buds are milky

5 years ago

Dukeshaba I can 100 percent smell a difference in her over the last week or two. Nice and skunky

Day: 237


I wanna cut her down so bad but she hasn’t flushed out all the way

5 years ago

Tres4_growsloud What do the trichomes say?

Dukeshaba I don’t know man. I see amber and a good amount on my sugar leaves on my calxys it’s all milky but it’s not flushed out(I didn’t know I had to do that) but she also doesn’t have a lot of fan leaves because I cut them all off. Tell me what you need to see and I’ll try to get a pic for ya bro

Tres4_growsloud Don’t look at the leaves, only look at the trichomes on the buds themselves. How can you tell if it’s “flushed”if you’re not reading your runoff Ppm?

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Day: 236

What happens if I put her in to darkness as of tonight with not all of her leaves being done

5 years ago

Tres4_growsloud “Without the leaves being done” .. what do you mean?

Tres4_growsloud The leaves don’t tell you when to harvest, the trichomes on the buds do

Day: 234


Day 2 of the flush: I know I don’t know what I’m doing but I’m only giving her a week to flush out no matter what Friday she goes into darkness

5 years ago

Dukeshaba I never even expected her to get this big let alone live really. So if it’s not the cleanest smoke in the world im still happy and with practice will become a better practitioner....

Day: 233


I started to flush her out today I didn’t realize I had to so I’m going for a week flush shouldn’t be to bad she doesn’t get any nutes she’s been just living off the soil

5 years ago

Day: 231

Finally almost done

5 years ago

Day: 231

I think I’m cutting her down next week

5 years ago

Day: 229

She’s on 11/13 trying to force her to be done

5 years ago

Day: 229


5 years ago

Day: 227


This girl will not give up! I’ve put her down to 11/13 now to force her to finish

5 years ago

Day: 224

I wish I got a tent months ago it’s so much easier to control your environment

5 years ago

Day: 224

Still going

5 years ago

Day: 223

Put her in a tent finally so I can control everything better. Just waiting for her to be done

5 years ago

Day: 222

She’s just doing her thing still almost done

5 years ago

Day: 221

I can’t seem to understand why at week 8 she has so many white hairs unless it’s from the lack of light until last month

5 years ago

Day: 221

Just some more leaves starting to turn

5 years ago

Day: 220


Purpling of my leaves as she finishes up

5 years ago

Day: 220

She’s finally starting to finish out

5 years ago

Day: 220

Still cooking, starting to frost up and seeing milky white trichome heads but it still has a lot of white hairs on her. This poor girl had a hard life

5 years ago

Day: 215


Since she had so little light until flower it’s taking longer than it should’ve but this is her now that she’s almost done

5 years ago