Jack Herer - Outside Grow
April 2020
Jack Herer - sativa dominate. Grown outdoors in Trinidad and started documenting on day 18 of veg.
Jack Herer
Day 96 (Week 14)
26 updates
51 photos
Day: 96
Today is 7-11-2020 Day 96 A light trim was done this morning after feed her yesterday afternoon, rain did fall a bit last night as. Yesterday her feed was 5mm of Chito Guard 5mm of AlgaMax Plus as I’m preparing her flowering stage. (Both Chito Guard and AlgaMax Plus are 100% organic fertilizer, available on my page) I’m expecting her to start showing signs of flowering soon as we are coming up on Day 100 the only reason why I’m starting to up her feeding and soon start adding Bloom Booster to support her flowering weeks to come. I suggest around this time-line in your plant’s life, pay very close attention to signs the plant will be showing you, such as; Growth spurts Thicken of the Stem and stalk and Per-flowering, this is where the fun begins. For the next two weeks the plant will be fed the above fertilizers as mentioned at the same rate long side the 5mm KASANIC rotating in and out every other day. After the two weeks (once she as responds well) I will now up the feeding as follows; 5mm Kasanic 10mm Chito Guard 10mm AlgaMax Plus For another two weeks with a Root boost at least once in the two weeks. Following those two weeks I will start to ADDING the bloom booster (5mm) and MINUSING the Kasanic. The Chito Guard and the AlgaMax plus will stand at 10mm, monitored and the bloom booster will be increased accordingly. I will update again in the next 10/12 days.
5 years ago
Day: 87
7/2/2020 Day 87 of the Jack Herer. Had a lot of rain today, especially in the afternoon. I fed her the day before (I which was one day later of feeding because of rain) so I would be feeding her today. Note: on the right side of the tree, I seeing some brown tips, not sure if it’s but burn(which I don’t want to believe) because it’s only in one particular area and not over the whole plant. That particular area is very much the area that is growing fast and has a lot of leaves. A friend told me that is could be friction from the leaves thats is causing that(this I have to confirm). Other than that, the Jack Herer is doing fine and looking great. The right side has grown very much. There were two brunches that I had to readjust and tied back down, again because of the rain. So I did so minor changes to my LST previously. If tomorrow (3/7/2020) looks good( in terms of weather) I would definitely feed her.
5 years ago
Day: 74
6-19-2020 DAY 74 12 days later(from my last video update)...and since the update I have only fed her twice (with fertilizer) because it has been rain on and off within these 12 days. Today the sun is out but I thought the same thing yesterday (which was a feeding day and it also rained). Decided again, not to fed her this morning until later on today as the soil is still a little wet from the rain fall yesterday. If it happen to rain today again, no matter what she will get some fertilizer later on today. Despite that I have only fed her twice within these 12 days she’s looking better than she was looking before she picked up that slight deficiency, which I’m happy to say proudly. 4 days ago I also tied down the two tallest branches on the right side (if you check back these are the branches that was growing taller than the rest). ALL new growth in the middle of the tree is growing health and well. No signs of pre-flower yet.
5 years ago
Day: 64
6/9/2020 DAY 64 Feeding Day. 1 Tsp of Kasanic fertilizer 2 Tsp Calmax Omex 2.5Lts It was fed around 7am, when this update was made (2:19pm) a slight shower of rain fell for about 30mins. I like to include this weather reports to show the realization of growing outside and the different challenges you would have to face. I would have fed it about 1/1.5lts of plane water this afternoon (if the rain had not left) but seeing that it did, I believe I would leave her unit the morning. *A video on how I updated my feeding and feeding schedule will be made to understand more. Follow on my IG (@w.chris.p) for that video. New growth on all the branches are showing and already facing up with good foliage.
5 years ago
RedEyeJedi I’ve had lots of wet weather the last 3 or 4 weeks and I’m experiencing a slug problem, which I determined 100% last night with a flashlight. Question....putting beer traps down should catch these pests yes? And is there anything I should do with the already slug hit areas of my plants?
Day: 61
6/6/2020 Week 6 of Veg She has fulling recovered from what I thought was Nitrogen deficiency, but taking a closer look at the leaves as the days were going by I noticed the brown in the tips of the leaves (this I also thought it could be me giving her too much nutes) nevertheless, I found it to be potassium deficiency. I want to believe this because someone did bring it to my attention my soil medium, (which is of the clay type) that could be lacking potassium. I will not leave it on that one diagnosis as I feel it could have been a few things which I did take in to consideration and adjusted as I went along. Such as, my feeding and the amount given to the strain, understand what my soil needed for the plant to recover and now on a well way to growing again. Spotted this deficiency on day 47 and it’s day 61, that’s a different of 14 days (2weeks) I would say that she took to recover and get back on track to growing. The last feed was Thursday (6/4/2020) It has been raining for the pass few days and has eased up today, which is a feeding day...I would feed her later on in the day closer to 5/6pm this afternoon. Note: I am still going to leave the older leaves on the tree. Tomorrow is Sunday and I would love to get some sun to do a video update.
5 years ago
Day: 54
Day 54 5/30/2020 I can safely say that she is recovering well and her new grows are looking healthy. She actually grew in height in the last two days. All the older damaged leaves are looking withered, I’m not really seeing any further damages to them. I think I am going to leave these leaves on for other week or so just for personal documentation, but at this point the leaves can safely be removed and allow the tree to continue growing. I have fed her the full amount of nutes today, meaning a tsp of Phortify, a tsp of KASANIC and a tsp of calmax B with 3Lts of water. Let’s see how she responded to this feed and will decided what to do next. The right side of the tree is still growing the fastest with the front not too far behind. The back side does look very close the the left now as I have deemed that side the have less sun as the front&right side.
5 years ago
Day: 48
5/24/2020 With in yesterday and today the nitrogen deficiency saw spotted in its early stage. Yesterday, some fish water was giving to her (water out of my fish pound) this is high in nitrogen. I don’t feed her any of the fertilizer as I saw a slight tip burn indicating that the nutrient level is too high. So for this week I will came down on the nutes and feed her some fish/pond water as she uses these few days to flush out. I’m don’t that worry as it’s early in the grow cycle and she’s still doing fine. Will give an update on day 50 to see how she’s coming along.
5 years ago
Day: 47
5/23/2020 Day 47 Today I’ve noticed that the leafs are showing a lack of nitrogen, looks like it’s in the early stage. If you didn’t notice before, you can’t help but notice that the right side is now most definitely getting taller than the left side. The new growth on the right side is also going faster than the one on the left side after being topped. On the back side it was topped (last week) and both branches was growing, however I took one off to allow the tree the focus on that one branch. The front side I left as is as that side is the only side that growing well. It is now safe to say that the tree has to be getting less sunlight on one side(back/left hand side) vs the front/right side which I believe is getting the most sun. Reason being is that there is a pawpaw tree next to it and as the sun moves it’s affecting the light on the tree. This is my only observation from observing the sun patten for the day.
5 years ago
Day: 44
Day 44 - 5/20/2020 Today, I went ahead to do the last set of trimming well she sit in veg state for the next 6 weeks. I also topped the left and right side branches, bringing the total topping to 5 topping. She will now sit and grow out in veg, also closely monitored for the next few days or so to make much she’s growing well and she’s not stressing out. I’m confident that she will strive and grow lovely within the next few weeks, while I also continue to feed her what she needs. Note that today was also a feeding day which I confidently upgraded her liquid feed to 2l of water but kept the same 1 tsp of KASANIC fertilizer. I gave her the 1tsp of Calmax B today but think I will easy up on it for the next two weeks. Take a. Look at what she looks like today.
5 years ago
Day: 43
Day 43 - 5/19/2020 Looking at the first picture you can see the left side is significantly smaller than the right side. Is it that the right side is getting more sun light within the day? This is something I’m going to keep a closer eye on and will let you know soon enough. The second picture is a top view and the last is the left side view. I am planning to do some maintenance (light trim and plus feed) tomorrow morning, that will be day 44.
5 years ago
Day: 42
Day 42 5/18/2020 Today was feeding day. I up her water to 2L of water same tsp of Kasanic fertilizer and tsp of calmaxB (Omex). Thinking about skipping about 2 feeds (could be more) with the calmax B. Been doing some reading and you don’t necessarily need to put the cal Mag in every fed. Next feed is day 44 in which I’ll be doing a light trim and an update to the tree, before and after.
5 years ago
Day: 39
Day 39 was a day out in the sun for the full day. Up until about 6:30pm on this day(5/15/2020) a hand full of rain fell, leaving the Garden soil moist and damp for the night. Regardless of the fact, day 40(tomorrow) will be a feeding day as scheduled. Has the top branches were tied done yesterday, the branches today and looking fine and facing to the sky as it should be and Is already curved upwards. The topping that I did on day 34 is starting to grow out beautifully and healthy.
5 years ago
Day: 38
5/14/2020 Day 38 I officially start LST and tied down both top branches. Today was a feeding day so u gave her some compost tea (56oz) plus I added the Calmax B(Omex) to it. Her next feed won’t be until Saturday(5/16/20) in which case she will be monitored until then.
5 years ago
Day: 37
She got feed this morning, her regular tsp of KASANIC fertilizer and I’ve added tsp of calmax b (Omex) to her diet in 56oz of water. Thinking about upping the amount of water but she seem like she’s doing well with what I’m giving her. I also gave her a light trim today as well.
5 years ago
Day: 36
Day 36 was meant to be a feeding day however it rained last night and I will not be feeding her today. It’s also overcast and the sun doesn’t look like it would come out all the way. However I do plan on bending the top branches today later on, hopefully I can get it done.
5 years ago
Day: 34
Today is day 34 and today I also completed brewing my own homemade compost tea. So, day 34 she was fed with 56oz of compost tea, she would be monitor today as she was also topped yesterday. Day looks like a sunny day, let’s hope it stays like this. Growth from the all 4 branches are very significant I’m very excited to see what day 44 (next 10 days) looks like, by then I would (should) have found a way to tie down the top two main branches. Also by day 44 I hope to top both side branches as well, giving me a total of topping 5 times. 1. To the main branch-to create the two main branches. 2. To top the two main branches- which that will make it 3 times. 3. To top both side branches- which that will make it a total of 5 times. At this point my topping will well and alone the tree to grow and take shape. This is my plan for the next 4 weeks.
5 years ago
Day: 33
Today, Day 33 - not a feeding day as I fed yesterday on day 32. Today I did a light trim on the rest of he bottom branches and I went ahead to top off the two main top branches.
5 years ago
Day: 32
Day 32 was a very good sign as she took the first set of light trim very well, from two days ago on Day 30. Today is a feeding day which I fed her later afternoon, due to a busy schedule but she tanned in the sun and loved the food she could at days end. I would be topping and doing anything light trim tomorrow morning, reason I’m so happy she could the first one very well. Feed : 56oz water 1tsp of Organic fertilizer.
5 years ago
Day: 30
Today is day 30. 5/6/2020 On Day 29 I did not fed and it was a pretty hot day for her (also the first week of veg is in the books.) Today (Day 30) Im going to do a very light trim to the bottom of the plant, getting rid of the first set of branches and fan leafs to focus more production and resources to the top of the tree. I must mention it’s 10 day after being topped and the two new main branches are showing very well. Today I will also feed her 48oz of water and leave her to have a good day in the sun.
5 years ago
Day: 28
Today is day 28. For day 26 it rain again and 27 was over cast most of the morning and I did not water at all both days. Today I gave it 48oz of water with a tsp of food. However, the water I fed her with was water from my fish/turtle tank, so I’m sure added nutrients would be in there. I topped her off on day 20 and I can see significant growth with the two new branches.
5 years ago
Day: 25
Natural and organic potash/potassium was added to the soil and the base of the plant from burn wood in my back yard. Yesterday I did not water her, so today is also a feeding in which I have her 40oz if water with a tsp of food. There’s also visible growth to the top from when I topped her on day 20. Making an update at 8pm - it has rain most of the day today. I will definitely not water tomorrow.
5 years ago
Day: 24
Day 24 and I’m seeing a lot of new growth. Fed her yesterday and it also rained, so today will be a chill out in the sun type of day.
5 years ago
Day: 23
This is the day after transplanting and she is doing well in the ground in her new spot. Looks a bite over cast today but nevertheless I still gave her 24oz of water with a tsp of food. I also added some dry coconut husk to the top of the soil for exact additive and the help kept the soil around her cool and moist. It did end up raining today.
5 years ago
Day: 22
4/28/2020-Transplant was done and completed successfully, she has a spot of her very own. Added some home made compost with the transplant and gave her 18oz of water today and will water on day 24...keep a close eye on her within the today and tomorrow.
5 years ago
Day: 21
Not much changes to the eyes, did water it a little this morning. NO signs of stress from topping her off yesterday on Day 20. Will not do a second water today.
5 years ago
Day: 20
It’s 6” tall and have been topped off today. Have been getting light nutrients and lots of water. The days are pretty hot and have been watering twice a day for the last few days - second watering is usually a 1/2 cup of regular ph (tap) water in the afternoon.
5 years ago