Grandaddy Purp
First Grow
One Grandaddy Purp plant, SF 1000D (non-dimmable) LED 3x3 grow light. “Just Add Water” method. Using FoxFarms Happy Frog soil with Nature’s Living super soil (holy fuck it smells so bad). VIVOSUN 24”x 24” x 48”grow tent & smart exhaust/ ventilation system. Govee indoor thermometer hooked up to Govee smart humidifier. Super cold & dry climate. Current dark period lasts from 11am to 5pm MST.
Grandaddy Purple Fem Photo (Blimburn)
Day 91 (Week 13)
52 updates
216 photos
Day: 91

It’s been a while! I keep meaning to update but keep forgetting to take photos. Im thinking maybe 2 more weeks? What do yall think? I stunted her during veg so she’s a little late, but I don’t think that’s too much of an issue.
a year ago
Day: 64

She’s looking beautiful. I’m so happy
a year ago
Day: 59

Haven’t updated in a while
a year ago
Day: 52

Flowering, she’s doing really good. I’m still TORTURING my plant (LST) to expose the new growth and make sure everything gets as much light as possible.
a year ago
Day: 49

Not much to say, just doing LST to maximize the growth of certain areas, like moving fan leaves out of the way, or bending stems down.
a year ago
Day: 47

The pre-flowers are growing! Still doing LST to expose growth nodes.
a year ago
Day: 46

Day 5 of flower. The pre-flowers are becoming more noticeable. I’ve been doing some LST to expose growth nodes. She’s starting to smell a little bit, I like it.
a year ago
Day: 45

Did some defoliation today, I took off the oldest fan leaves. Unfortunately I broke off another two growth nodes 😭😭, but it will be okay. I will only be doing LST after watering from now on, it really reduces the risk of breaking anything.
a year ago
Day: 44

Day 3 of flower. I did some leaf tucking in place of defoliating to expose some growth nodes. She’s doing really good so far.
a year ago
Day: 43

Day 2 of flower, I gave her 6 cups of water today. I’m going to give her some Neem Oil today aswell.
a year ago
Day: 42

First day of flower 12/12 light cycle. I’ve been doing some LST to expose growth nodes and such. I think I will water her tomorrow.
a year ago
Day: 41

Okay so since I lowered the humidity from about 65-70F avg to 50-60F avg I’ve noticed that the whole spider mite problem has gotten better. I got the Neem oil spray today but since she looked so good, I decided to hold off of it for now. I just set my light timer to 12/12, however I noticed that she had already had been flowering (last pic). Not an issue for me just curious as to why it happened without the 12/12 light schedule.
a year ago
Day: 40

Day 40! I did some more LST on her to try and get as many growth nodes exposed as possible, but I think I’m going to flip her this week. The Neem Oil spray I ordered is getting here tomorrow, so I’ll probably flip on Thursday.
a year ago
Day: 38

Probably one of her last days in veg, I’m gonna wait until I receive the Neem Oil spray I ordered to get rid of my spider mite issue. My tent is only 4ft tall, and it has even less grow room due to the ventilaton system and light. So in order to avoid any issues with the height, I’m gonna go ahead and flip her real soon.
a year ago
Day: 37

I didn’t water today but I went through and sprayed down every single leaf, including the undersides. Sometimes I notice tiny little things on the leaves and under them, the water knocks em off. If I see the problem worsen, I will go ahead and buy some Spinosad soap. Her oldest leaves are getting really long.
a year ago
Day: 36

I done did it again, I broke off another branch 😭 but hey, you live and you learn I guess. I think maybe perhaps I’ll give her water tomorrow? I’m starting to really notice a scent developing, it smells nice.
a year ago
combatmedic81 If you are going to train try to do it the day after watering so the stems have some h2o in them. Personally I would just let it grow out (w/ some topping involved at the right time) then stretch it out with a scrog net.
Day: 35

I took off her first set of 7-point leaves, im gonna keep them. I redid some of the wires to tie down the longer growth nodes. Im honestly just trying to expose as many growth nodes to the light as possible, I have no specific plan at this point. I added some soil to the top because I was seeing some roots popping out.
a year ago
Day: 34

I went ahead and poked some holes into the sides of the pot to make LST easier. I watered her with 8 cups of water today. I did my best to try and expose all the growth tips and such, but I think I’m gonna try to go with somewhat of a spiral.
a year ago
Day: 33

She’s been doing really well since the break. Today I finally got the Wyze cam stand I ordered for the grow tent, it’s so much more convenient to have the stand instead of that cardboard box taking up all the room in the tent. I think I’m going to give her water tomorrow.
a year ago
IG @stick_e_fingerz2 👊🔥🔥🔥
remasteredvanity Thank u 🙏
Day: 32

I think she’s made a full comeback since the whole amputation thing, I’m gonna stay with the LST, I think I won’t snap another branch as long as I place the wire in the right spot. I don’t know if it’s something to do with the plant itself or if somehow my light is so crooked that one side is getting significantly less light, but there’s almost always one side that grows considerably smaller than the other side. I was thinking it could have something to do with the airflow or the humidifier, but I don’t think that’s what it is.
a year ago
Day: 31

I gave her 6 cups of water today, and sprayed down her leaves with water. I don’t know why but I feel like the leaves end up looking better if you spray em down every once in a while. She’s shedding the last of her cotyledon leaves, it’s kinda cool to see them just waste away. I’m going to keep with the LST, but I’m def much more careful about it now.
a year ago
RoMag It looks like you have some insect larvae on the leaves of the plant. Have you had the chance to check for pests infestations?
remasteredvanity Hm, I keep a pretty keen eye out for pests, especially on the leaves. What makes you think there’s larvae on the leaves?
remasteredvanity It might be the water droplets reflecting on the leaves, they look white cuz of the light
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Day: 30

I ended up having to remove the branch (didn’t remove much, it was kinda hanging on by a thread). I waited until the next day from when the break happened to see if the branch would bounce back, but it wasn’t looking too good. Other than that though, she’s doing just fine. She’s just an amputee now 😭. I put some wire on her good side in order to give those growth nodes some more light, she barely has any left 😩
a year ago
Day: 29

Okay so I didn’t post about this when it happened because I was kind of upset at myself for doing it, but I was trying to tie down the two new growth nodes as training so that it could be flat. To be honest it was 100% my fault because I shouldn’t have been putting the wire where I was putting it. Anyways I thought it would be okay, but the break was just too bad, and the branch ended up dying off. She’s doing fine now but I just wouldn’t have topped her if I knew something like this was going to happen 😭
a year ago
combatmedic81 Sometimes it helps to do your lst the night after you water so that the stems and branches have moisture in them
remasteredvanity That makes sense, thank you :)
Damion Yaga I’m going to main line my next two plants I’ll be watching
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Day: 28

Day 12 of being in 5gal. I gave her 1L with an additional 400ml, aswell as a little spray down with the spray bottle. I defoliated a little bit, the leaves were starting to get in the way a little bit. Also I was gonna need to do it at one point or another. Shes gaining her scent, at first it was just like “green” but now she’s giving little hints of weed haha. I’m planning on mainlining her, so I’ll probably be topping a 2nd time here soon once she grows 4 new mains on each.
a year ago
IG @stick_e_fingerz2 Hellz yeah 👍 👊😎
remasteredvanity Thank you 🙏
Day: 27

Day 11 of being in 5gal. Her growth tips are really starting to come in, and she’s doing really well. I gave her some water through a spray bottle, but before this her leaves were looking so good! It’s just the water weighing them down in the pictures. Very little leaf tip curling, I love it.
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 🔥🔥🔥 going great direction bro 🙏🏽🎊
remasteredvanity Thank you! 🥺
Day: 26

Day 10 of being in 5gal! Smell is still there when I open the tent but it’s not stinking up my room anymore. I ordered a Wyze V3 a few days ago and received it today: I also ordered a Wyze V3 camera holder for grow tents! I didn’t even know they made those. The stand hasn’t gotten here yet, so I don’t have the best shot of her, but I will when I get the stand. Excited to see her grow through a Timelapse!
a year ago
Patty Black I have Wyze cameras in all my tents and I love them!! Timelapse is fun too! Wish quality was a little higher but it’s good enough!
Patty Black I suggest turning night vision off or at least the night vision IR off. It puts out a noticeable light in the tent. I had a plant herm a while ago and I have always suspected the light off of the camera being the cause.
remasteredvanity Will do! Thank you.
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Day: 25

Day 9 of being in 5gal. I gave her 1L of water just now and got a little bit of runoff. I didn’t want to go overboard with the water so I went with 1L instead of 1.25L. Smell isn’t permeating outside the tent, but as soon as you open it, the smell just hits you in the face. I’m glad my room doesn’t smell like horse manure anymore though.
a year ago
Day: 24

Day 8 of being in 5gal. Nothing to note really, I removed all the growth tips besides the two at the top, she seems to be doing okay. I think I’m gonna water her tomorrow, probably give her about 1.25 L. Can’t wait for the growth tips to start growing!
a year ago
Day: 23

Day 7 of being in 5gal. Smell is slowly getting better! I topped her yesterday and started some LST, I think I’m gonna do the Mainlining or the Manifold method. Today I gave her about 40oz of water through the spray bottle, I’m still getting used to watering her in the 5 gal pot. I also cut off all the other growth tips besides the two main ones at the top.
a year ago
Day: 22

Day 6 of being in 5gal. Smell is getting a little better, or maybe I’m just getting used to it. She’s been doing really good, I gave her about 2 cups and some more water with the spray bottle, probably around 10-20oz. I ordered a Wyze v3 camera in order to make a grow Timelapse, and to top it off I found a wyze grow tent holder. Update: I topped her and started LST. I felt bad cutting off all her new growth 😭
a year ago
Day: 21

Day 5 of being in 5gal. Again, the smell is still very pungent inside the grow tent, it’s hard to even inspect her because I can’t stand it for too long, it even lingers on you. But, she seems happy and healthy, so I think I will top her once this new set of leaves come in (4 nodes) and start LST training. I will give her about a cup (500ml) of water tomorrow.
a year ago
Day: 20

Day 4 of being in 5gal. The stench is still very strong 😭 I can’t even have the tent open/take pictures for too long because it smells sooo fucking bad. But she seems to be liking it, so I guess it’s worth it. Her new leaves are looking really good, it makes me happy.
a year ago
Day: 19

Day 3 of being in 5gal. The stench is slowly going away outside the tent, but inside smells so bad 😭 she seems to be happy though, I just watered her and sprayed her down to get all the DE off from her older leaves. Hopefully she perks up a bit with the watering, I don’t know if it’s just me but she seems a little limp. The humidity has been pretty stable the last few days and I think she’s enjoying it.
a year ago
Day: 18

Day 2 of being in the 5 gal pot. It still smells so fucking bad 😭 next time I’ll remember to prepare the soil outside n let it sit out for a few days to minimize the stench, the tent smells like literal horse shit right now. She’s loving it though, great for her, not so great for my nostrils 😩. I used a tiny bit of the plant ties to support one of the stems so the leaf wouldn’t be at risk of touching the soil. I’ve had the duct fan going, and I have a carbon filter, but it just sticks to everything. Definitely keep this in mind if you’re planning to use the Nature’s Living Soil Concentrate, because it will stink everything up. It even makes the regular soil smell like shit. On a better note, the ends of her leaves aren’t as curled downward as they were before. I think I’m gonna spray her down to get all the diatomaceous earth off when watering time comes up.
a year ago
Day: 17

Okay, she’s in her final container. The Nature’s Living Soil Concentrate smells sooooo fucking bad (which is why there are no close up pics) I measured out 1lb of the stuff and filled up the remaining ⅓ with my FoxFarms HF and gave it a good mix, then topped the rest off with regular HF. I should have prepared the soil outside because holy shit, it smells so bad. I know that it’s super good for the plants but be warned, that shit will stink up your house and everything it comes in contact with. Anyways, I bought a spray bottle today and I plan to spray her down once the soil airs out a little bit in order to get the diatomaceous earth off her leaves n stuff. Gave prob about 26oz of water in a circle around her. Transplant was a little stressful but I made it through 😅
a year ago
Day: 16

I got the diatomaceous earth I ordered this morning and gave a thorough application to her soil and leaves. I have gnats and possibly thrips. I think I need to transplant her really soon.
a year ago
fruitinaround You may want to use it a bit more sparingly, just one small scoop in a large spray bottle. I’ve done that before and it can dry out the leaves a bit. Also, she’s growing fast!
remasteredvanity thank you! I learned that once I watered her this morning 😅 I’m going to be transplanting her to her last container today so I’ll probably be giving her some new top soil.
fruitinaround Well haha 😆, I guess learning from experience is the only way to remember
Day: 15

I went in and checked on her and gave her about 30ml of distilled water. Yesterday I realized that I may have a thrip and fungus gnat problem. I’ve already got some diatomaceous earth coming tomorrow. I for sure have gnats, this is the second time I’ve seen a tiny little fly in the grow tent. If I have either thrips or gnats, the diatomaceous earth should do the trick. The second set of leaves seem to have slight wrinkles on the surface? I think I’m starting to get the hang of watering her, making sure to let the soil dry out between waterings. I think I may transplant her once the third set of leaves have fully come in. Let me know if you guys know anything about the tiny wrinkles my on the leaves, I wasn’t able to find anything concrete online.
a year ago
fruitinaround That is odd… not sure about those wrinkles. I’ll do some looking around too, I feel like it has to do with some moisture regulation problem the plant has. Might be a side effect of those bugs
remasteredvanity I’m not 100% sure that I have thrips but I do have gnats. I’ve caught a couple adults on the sticky traps, so hopefully the diatomaceous earth kills off both. It really might be a moisture thing, I have no idea why but sometimes my humidifier just turns off in the middle of the night when I’m sleeping. I hope the fluctuations don’t affect her too much, the humidity is 50-80 most of the time.
fruitinaround I’m an indoor grower, but my grow room in outdoors… from my experience as long as it’s between 30% and 75% the plants are fine. Just don’t keep it in any extreme too long. The past 2 weeks we’ve had super dry weather and then super rainy. It’s gotten to as much as 80% and as low as 30% And the DE will definitely kill them when your plant is that small, you can’t miss any spots.
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Day: 14

She’s looking slightly better with the curling of the leaf edges from yesterday. I’ve noticed that the second set of leaves have these light streaks, I circled them in the pictures. I was thinking it could be one of those little bugs that makes a trail inside the leaf but I don’t think that’s what it is. I hope it’s nothing to worry about. I think I will be transplanting soon, perhaps when her 3rd set of leaves really come in. Any advice or comments on the streaks is greatly appreciated, I really couldn’t find anything that looked similar to what mine look like online. Other than that though, she’s growing fast and her stem is getting stronger.
a year ago
Day: 13

She’s growing fast, however I’m a little concerned about the slight clawing the new leaves are doing. Could it be my humidity? I’m not feeding her any nutes so I’m guessing it can’t be Nitrogen toxicity? Please help, I want to address the problem as soon as I can so that it doesn’t cause more issues down the line. Aside from that, her 3rd set of leaves are coming in at the top ! I just gave her about 30ml of distilled water. I also moved the fan to be pointing at the wall in the grow tent in case the clawing was due to the wind.
a year ago
6ibles Humidity probably man, throw a cut in half 2 liter over the top as a make shift humidity dome! If it’s humidity this will solve your problem and you’ll see double the growth
remasteredvanity I have a humidifier in the tent, but sometimes the water runs out during the dark cycle/ when im away and it can drop pretty low. It can also get way too humid sometimes. I might give it a try, but I think humidity is the issue here.
6ibles Throw some type of dome over the plant and see how that does, try to keep your humidifier on the lowest setting so it adds humidity slowly and for longer times. I promise a dome of sorts over the plant after a fresh watering will solve your issue! Update me! Happy growing
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Day: 12

Light is still at about 16”. The first set of leaves has some edges curling downward, I’m thinking it’s either my watering or the humidity. Sometimes it gets way high or way low, mostly when I’m away and can’t check on it. I’m still having to prop her up because she’s having a hard time staying straight up, hopefully the light adjustment will fix this. Otherwise, she’s doing good! The first set of fan leaves are growing super fast, and I can see the third set coming in aswell.
a year ago
Day: 11

Took pictures right before I gave her water. I gave about 25ml and I could tell the soil was pretty dry since it took a sec for all the water to sink into it. I’ve noticed some leaf curling on the edges, but hopefully it’ll go away with the bettering water practices, slightly elevated light, and less of a breeze.
a year ago
fruitinaround She’s already very leggy, a light damaged leaf usually canoes upwards… you may want to get a stronger light if you can afford it. But regardless, happy growing 😄
GrNadeGrade 💣 Disregard new light recommendation. Your SF1000 LED is perfect enough for one plant.
fruitinaround The plant is going to stretch to far and die, and possibly snap. You already need to prop her up. I didn’t look into the light, but now that I have, the one you’ve got is dimmable, maybe crank that up? Get the photone app and see what your PPFD is. There is definitely a light issue and you are going to stunt, reduce your yield, or kill your plant.
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Day: 11

Just came home and checked on her, the new leaves are growing pretty fast. Through recommendation I lowered my light to about 16” above the canopy. Hopefully this will help with her leggy-ness. Her first set of real leaves are getting pretty close to the edge of the solo cup, do yall think I should transplant her soon?
a year ago
60tree Grower I believe your going in the right direction and good advice with lowering the light fixture since your not feeding and doing the water only method, (for now) Fox Farm HF can potentially sustain seedlings with nutrients up to 2-3 weeks sometimes 4-6 weeks max w/o having to add a nutrient line to your feeding schedule. Since your not having to feed, signs of a light burn or too close include tips of leaves yellow/rusting/brown on the leaves edges and the leaf margins will raise look/feel rough. New growth (top of the plant) will look twisted and curl-over… this is what I look for when lowering my lights or being too hot especially first time. With the recommendation to get a PH meter this would give you a lot of confidence moving forward but usually not so utilized growing with soil or an organic no till media that’s has superior nutrients/amendments and a microbial environment that quickly breaks down the organic material and releases ions to feed your root. Lastly, since your water is hard and not knowing your PH level each time invest in a good meter before a new light, I think your fixture will be fine especially for one plant… PH at your soil value (6.3 to 6.8) using a digital PH meter with a good calibration. Until then distilled water will do fine. Adding microbes to your waterings will also help adjust your PH naturally and importantly during transplanting, with ur question about transplanting I prefer waiting until I have 2-3 sets of leaves from a Solo Cup 14-21 days until transplant -Usually when leafs are healthy and reach outside of the solo cup or container, from here I think about transferring to a bigger/final container. I know it seems like a lot at first but don’t over think it and don’t over love your plants and you’ll be absolutely fine 👊🏼 Hope this helps in some way! Am Here!
60tree Grower Another tip is to use the cup in cup method, next time try using a clear solo cup with holes for drainage plant your seed in this and then put in a darker colored solo cup ur (red) solo with added holes for drainage and air this way you can pull out the clear cup and check on your root development seamlessly, when you see healthy roots barely hitting the bottom or sneaking out the holes it’s a good time to think about transplanting. Another way is I transplant when a healthy plant is about 5-6” inches tall I know it’s a solid time to transfer👍🏻
remasteredvanity Thank you! I really appreciate your time. I have one question about the pH,, do I ph the water? I’m still a little confused about pHing the soil. The final container will have about ⅓ Nature’s Living Soil Super Soil Concentrate mixed with FoxFarms Happy Frog, then filled the rest of the way with HF, also “just add water”method. Since the soil already has the nutrients, it’s okay to use distilled water right?
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Day: 10

Used the stick to support the stem a tiny bit, she’s just leaning slightly. I watered last night and she got all droopy, but then looked like this just now. Hopefully we’ll be transplanting into the 5 gal here soon.
a year ago
Day: 10

Second set of leaves coming in :) Checked moisture level using a soil moisture meter and I think she may need water tomorrow.
a year ago
Day: 9

New set of leaves coming in, I think she’ll be ready to water tomorrow. Every time I water, her leaves droop a bit, but then bounce back. Am I overwatering?
a year ago
Day: 8

this was her this morning, I was a little worried about stretching so I lowered the light to about 22”.
a year ago
KultureBuddz 😂 amazing
remasteredvanity thank you :)
Day: 8

I had an old indoor camera going unused so I decided to place it in the tent for easier monitoring. The new leaf growth is more visible now, she’s doing good so far :) on the photos it looks like the leaves have little yellow splotches but they’re not actually there. I think she’s ready to be watered tomorrow.
a year ago
Day: 7

Just gave her 25ml of water, 5ml more than yesterday. I checked on her soil today and it was dry (not all the way). The leaves seem to get bigger every day 🥺. I found out that I have to position the humidifier a certain way or else the circulation fan will blow all of it away, it wouldn’t get past 40% humidity. I also ordered a heating pad and received it today to help with rooting. During the dark hours it can drop to below 60F, and I just want to make sure she doesn’t get too cold.
a year ago
Day: 6

I’m loving taking these close up shots of the seedling, she looks so beautiful. Dark period lasts from 11am-5pm, so I just now went in and checked on her. The growth of the “real” leaves is more noticeable today !
a year ago
Day: 5

Got a humidifier, it’s nice not having to worry about the cloth rags drying up. It’s not very noticeable but her leaves have grown a bit. I watered a bit, not sure how much, but i didn’t get any runoff.
a year ago
angleacquired At that size you should be good to just water it around 20ml of water and can slowly increase ml every watering until you’re ready to transfer into a 1g pot or 5gal finishing pot, at this stage it just requires a lot of light and oxygen and humidity
angleacquired Don’t wanna fully water the solo at this size cuz it could suffocate the small root zone from getting oxygen so don’t start “fully saturating” till you’re in a pot 🙏 everyone does it differently though and as long as you don’t kill it you’re doing good lol
remasteredvanity oh, thank you for letting me know. how often do you think I should give 20ml? just stick to the standard wait until the first inch of soil is dry?
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Day: 4

Seedling has completely opened up. Nighttime will begin @ 11 am, 18 hours light, 6 hours dark. I set the daytime cycle to turn on during the coldest times in the day, so it’s 5pm-11am. Will get better picture once nighttime is over. Grow light currently at 24” from canopy. Temp. ~70F - 77F, Humidity ~40-59%. Currently using 4 wet cloth towels on tent floor for humidity.
a year ago
Day: 4

Watered her when I got home from work. I’m using cloth towels to increase humidity atm. I ordered a Govee humidifier so that I can keep it a little more consistent. She had her first night today, was a little worried about the temp but she was okay :) I tried to gently move the soil around the seedling because she was leaning, seems to have worked.
a year ago