Need help
Unknown strain
I got 2 clones from a friend and they didn't know the strain. This is my first attempt at growing and I got buds on both plants, one got a lot and the other of a few however non of the buds grew to harvest. The plants are tall (about 3 ft) not bushy. The plant with the least buds has lost a lot of leaves and the buds. The other plant still has a lot of buds that are not growing bigger. I wish I knew what strain and type of plant I have. I wish I could include pictures. If anyone can give ma any information I would appreciate it. Oh yeah the only info I got from my friend told me this was a hard strain to grow.
Day 194 (Week 28)
1 update
1 photo
Day: 194

Ok so I found how to add pictures so this is the good plant.
5 years ago