The Maiden Voyage
Summer 2020
Planning on outdoor and indoor grow. Will grow seedlings in 1 gallon fabric pot. Then put 1 in grow box and 1 in 50 gallon fabric pot. Other two will go in 25 gallon pot in 5x5 tent.
Gorilla Glue and Gold Leaf from ILGM
Day 13 (Week 2)
9 updates
29 photos
Day: 13
Not much to report other than pics
4 years ago
Day: 11
All 4 plants spent their first night in the greenhouse. All looking healthy. GL is growing fast. GG is still lagging behind. I did not water any of them today. I will test soil moisture in the morning.
4 years ago
Day: 10
Moved plants out to greenhouse today. GL really loves the sunlight. GG are still a little smaller than the GL. Watered GL today. Going to let all 4 roll without water tomorrow
4 years ago
Day: 9
I will start measuring tomorrow (Day 10). Lowered GL off books. Water tomorrow. Thinking of doing 3 in tent and 1 outside.
4 years ago
Day: 8
Day 8 check in. No watering today. I will give them the night to rest then feed water in the morning.
4 years ago
Day: 7
GG 1 had shell piece stuck to it and finally fell off. Went back to 18/6 tonight. GL looks good. Added a digital timer for the lamp to turn on at 6a and off at 12a.
5 years ago
Day: 6
Light turned on at 6am. I will run it for 24hrs for a few days. Added more coco to both GL pots to brace the stem length for support. I hope this takes stress off the two. The GG are definitely smaller in size at this point (they sprouted a day apart). I think GG1 has a piece of seed shell still on it. The leaves are still curled like a canoe.
5 years ago
Day: 5
Morning watering for GG. Evening for GL. Will update
5 years ago
Day: 4
All 4 seeds have sprouted. Moved from germination tray to 1 gallon fabric pots. They are under a 54W led light today. Gold Leaf 1 had taproot break when I tried to cut off peat plug netting. GG 1 has a brown spot on its cotyledon and isn’t as perky as other 3.
5 years ago
Brendan4532 Start of Week 1