

My First Grow: Power Plant Photoperiod

10 gallon outdoor grow

Standard organic miracle grow potting mix. Shout out to Commonwealth Canna for their great nutrients!

Power Plant Clone

Day 116 (Week 17)

19 updates

56 photos

Day: 116


Maaaaan. This plant is looking a kinda sick. Will this drzymes eliminator help?

3 years ago


Alchemist Can’t see the white spots after it’s sprayed until it’s dry, I can’t tell if this spray I mixed up with that stuff is gonna work at all


Alchemist Can I save this

Day: 112


I can’t wait to see how much nature gifts me with this plant

3 years ago


organic_grower Nice plant!


Alchemist Thanks grower organic! This is actually the first plat I ever got

Day: 97



3 years ago


Alchemist I’m thinking to cut the lower portion off this extra large tomato trellis and wire tie some support on these side branches… I know I need to defoliate again I just don’t know what to prune it looks like all flower sites


Alchemist Just comparing to day 82 this plant looks twice as healthy


Caliban Looking great! You can take anything from the lower 1/3 canopy and she will be fine. But assess the light penetration! With outdoor bud you can also let the girls run with no defoliation as they get great sun coverage.

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Day: 93

This particular peculiar Power Plant is pungent with a potency, and must have some real potential cuz she is just STACKING preflowers! Do I need to be worried about this plant not living through the season or flowering early or anything like that? I vegged it indoors for a long time but this lady is LOVING the sun.

3 years ago

Day: 82


Transplanted to this 10 gallon last night. Her roots were swirling at the bottom of that big plastic pot she came out of but no visible roots around the sides , added some dynamykos and centered her as well as I could, and we had a big thunderstorm last night so I just let it get soaked through in the rain. I think she’s looking good. It’s 95 degrees Fahrenheit with 62% humidity today, hopefully I don’t get transplant shock. I think these conditions are pretty ideal though maybe a little hot, maybe it will help the mykos transfer nutrients from the new soil

3 years ago


Alchemist All the leaves have only 3 points idk what’s happening with it

Day: 80


Decided the sun would be best for this plant. I didn’t really harden it off much, just gave it two days in overcast misty weather and then straight into full sun. She’s been outdoors in full sun and temperatures in the upper 80s. The first day it was outside I noticed silky webs so I assumed some spider mites must had sniffed it out… I treated it with a neem oil/ Castile soap mix and left in in complete darkness with a fan for 24 hours, as I’ve made the mistake of burning plants with this oil in the past. I also used some store bought organic pesticides from Commonwealth Canna which is derived from yeast and peppermint oil. After returning it to the sun, it did have some mild burnt leaves but no more webs, some preflowering but I don’t think that will hurt anything. I AM PLANNING TO TRANSPLANT THIS INTO THE BIGGEST POT I HAVE WHICH IS A TEN GALLON, and let it grow into September/October. IS TEN GAL ENOUGH? The stalk is about the width of a “magic” dry-erase marker. HOW CONCERNED SHOULD I BE WITH TRANSPLANT SHOCK? I wanna get pounds off this lady.

3 years ago


Alchemist Noticed the new growth is a much brighter green as well

Day: 73

Not gonna lie, I may have gone over board with the LST clips. As mentioned earlier in this grow, it’s really more like super cropping with the top main stem. BUT I CHANGED THE GAME PLAN IMMENSELY. I had her under 12:12 for about 4 days with the intentions of beginning the flowering process. But I could tell my autoflowers were hungry for more light, and sense the only really bright light I have that can deliver at least 700 PAR to the canopy top is my 110 watt gixxer LED which I moved into a 2x2 tent with intentions of flowering this lady, I decided to put the autoflowers in there instead and go back to training this lady before I transplant her into a 10 gallon heavy duty fabric pot and let her grow wild outdoors is my back yard with a south facing slope that recieves full sun all day. Hopefully by September-October when it’s time to harvest, she will be a large plant with a large yeild. I hope she doesn’t make a bunch of seeds though that’s mostly what worries me about growing outdoors. IS THIS A BAD PLAN? AM I GAMBLING HER LIFE IF I DO THIS? did I make a mistake by giving 12/12 for just a few days and putting her back under 18/6? I think I might should keep her inside after transplanting incase any shock occurs? Or would it snap back out of shock just as easily outside? I will use lots of mykos

3 years ago


GreenGanjaGrower You are fine I’m sure in regards to the LST clips. On my plants I typically use up to 3 clips per limb to spread em out

Day: 73


I’m having some kind of nutrient deficiency here. Hopefully not diseased. The 4th picture is the only leaf on the plant that looked THAT BAD , but they all have yellow discoloration at the tips. I’m thinking it might be a zinc deficiency? But that’s purely based off of pictures I’ve seen online. I’m obviously not a professional. But I know a lot of you cool cats are! what do you think?

3 years ago


co8ra2 Calmag

Day: 71

First week of flower. Humidity in this tent was reaching upper 80 percent! Because of this I had to undo hours of scrogging and put in a new fan. 24 hours now and we r at a steady 45-50% humidity at 80*F . It’s a shame I have to redo my scrogging , but hell I’m recovering a traumatic injury, I don’t have anything else to do these days. As you can see my fan leaves are drooping with weight as I over watered last time. I’m coming to realize that I can’t water this plant on the same schedule as my other plants cuz this is the only plant I have in a plastic pot rather than the fabric pots in my VEG tent. Will start feeding flower nutrients probably tomorrow, I wanna give her one more day to try and let the soil go dry before I feed and water. High humidity probably also is responsible for the droopy appearance of her leaves.

3 years ago

Day: 67

Intuition tells me she’s ready for 12:12. I’ve put her in her own small 2X2 home separate from the fastberries and baby photos with the most powerful light I have. Problem is the tent is only like 4 ft tall I couldn’t even attach a rope ratchet my light hangin from the top is about 12 inches from the canopy so I’m not sure how I am going to raise it if need be….

3 years ago


Alchemist Not much room to grow, I can’t believe I’m saying this but I hope she doesn’t get too big 😬 why are 2x2 tents so short

Day: 63

Happy to see that after that high stress bending technique, she is standing at salute and her other shoots are almost at the same height. Will prob do one more bend in a week or so and then SCROG and then flower this beauty

3 years ago

Day: 62


My very first attempt at LST. I feel as if I’ve disrespected my baby girl but I do want a more even canopy. This is why I love this app. Will someone please give me some advice here? Does this look like it could benefit my plant or did I man handle her and scar her for life?! Should I remove these LST clips ASAP?

3 years ago


superglued This is kinda more like High stress training, looks like you bent one of the stems, not a bad thing but not a good idea to keep it from recovering from the bend. Keeping the clips on might harm the plant; although bent stems can be beneficial as if your plant recovers that stem will be a lot more thick and sturdy. You should definitely just look at a few videos of the different training types

Chronic King

Chronic King Almost looks like you supercropped them


Alchemist Shit… yeah I was watching videos on LST an topping. I didn’t want to top the plant because it seemed like a dumb idea to chop off all those nodes. I thought bending the top down to the height of the outer branches was the goal to LST? Hell I don’t really know what super cropping is. I’m about to research it now. So is the general consensus so far to remove the clips now, so that the plant can recover from what I did here 2 hours ago? will this encourage more lateral growth on those outer branches without causing too much harm to the plant or am I risking stressing her to death?

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Day: 60

Hard to tell by this pic- but I just smoked her wig. Pruned me up a lollipop. Can I still veg a lil longer or do I need to flower immediately after defoliating?

3 years ago

the-archaic-revival 111 I would say let her recover from the defoliation, then flip to flower. That way she can heal and solely focus on flower production. But I’m somewhat new and this is just from my understanding:)

Day: 60

The before and after of defoliating this plant in its 8 or 9th week of VEG

3 years ago

Day: 59

YO! wth. Do I have bugs in my tent? It don’t look like no myte made that bite. There’s no visible webbing no underleaf damage. What could had caused this

3 years ago

cottonBud I just finished up my first grow and occasionally wold have leafs do this also, don’t think it’s anything to worry about unless it gets bad.. Now my cat would jump in my tent as soon as she would hear the zipper and she would eat all the leafs she could!!


Alchemist That’s a relief . Thanks growbro

Day: 58


Man! Her leaves are drooping. I think i must had gave her too much water? I watered 2 days ago with Veg nutrients and guano infused distilled water. I gave her a lot because I wanted to make sure she has plenty strength before I flip 12:12. Input??

3 years ago


MrStopPlayin Looking good bro


Alchemist Thank you good fellow cannaisseur

Day: 57

I bought a 2X2 to flower her in. I was sold a tent with no middle support bar-Along with the Giixxer 1000w… not sure how I’m going hang my light, I feel like I got ripped off. Suggestions??? Got new clones coming today. Not to mention my fast berries but they are autos. Gotta get the monster in the 2X2.

3 years ago


Hammerhead420 Go to a hardware store, buy a hollow metal fence pole, cut it to length giving extra for the bend on each end. Use a hammer to flatten the ends of the pipe and use something harder than the pipe to contour it to fit over the top supports and hook into them. Hope this helps. Good luck!!


Alchemist This is so simply logical… I just need a Mikita or some kind of grinder saw


Hammerhead420 Or get a cheap hack saw

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Day: 56

Shes been begging to flower. I told her maybe when she’s older.

3 years ago


marcsplants Lol nice

Day: 53

Signs of preflowering but she’s photo period? Just gonna push veg one or 2 more weeks

3 years ago