

Golden Teacher Psilocybin Cubensis

Aug 14 Innoculation

Golden Teacher spores from Sporeworks. Inoculated within brown rice flour and vermiculite. Bulk spawn will consist of grinding cakes up and combine with cocoa husk and cow manure at field capacity. Strictly scientific 🧪

Mushrooms / Fungicide

Day 38 (Week 6)

6 updates

23 photos

Day: 38


Eager for FAE!!!! 🤣

3 years ago


trichometheatre These will be chopped up through the cheese grater for the bulk spawn after this initial birth, I guess, lol!

Day: 24


Pretty much finished colonizing

4 years ago

Day: 17


Almost fully colonized

4 years ago

Peng Ahhhh can’t wait for the shrooms, I gifted my fave budtender some of mine today. I played them loadsa mariachi heritage music 👌🏻 might go on a trip at the weekend 😎


trichometheatre Nuuice!!! I embarked last night with 8 grams to the face!

Peng Jesus, I’ve only tripped a handful of times, I had bare traumas I had to spend years dealing with before contemplating psychedelics again 😱

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Day: 15

Nice knots 🪢

4 years ago

Day: 9

Lots of mycelium growing! Almost finished colonizing; then it’s off to the bulk spawn!!!

4 years ago


dolomight 🔥🔥🔥

Day: 1


Inoculation complete.

4 years ago

buds’R’us 🔥🔥dope gonna be checking in a lot i love shrooms


trichometheatre You can check out my other fungi grows-Got some wild tech going on

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