
Cassarole - No Till

Grow #2

600w HPS @ 75% 2x2 No Till bed BAS 3.0 Bokashi Cover crop

Cassarole - Chef Anna White Label

Day 6 (Week 1)

2 updates

2 photos

Day: 6

Week 1 Aloe Vera Flakes 1/4 Teaspoon Big 6 Micros 1/4 teaspoon Therm X-70 Yucca 2.5 ml Silica 1.5g Hydrated Kelp 2tsp foliar & 4tsp drench Craft Blend just a pinch Compost Tea Dilute 50% Kelp Tea Add castings

4 years ago

Day: 2

Houston, we have a sprout. I sprouted in a starter cube, immediately transferred to no till bed & covered with clear solo cup.

4 years ago