
Acai Sherbert

Fall 2020

Just transplanted to 15GAL RDWC


Day 50 (Week 8)

6 updates

7 photos

Day: 50

So far the 2 plants in a pot are drinking tf up out of the nutes

4 years ago

Day: 42

Need to get a misting humidifier since the current % is 46. And Def need a scrogg net up ASAP before it falls over. They’re both competing for space atm

4 years ago

Darules0 Show a pic of your setup! It looks dope from the little available to see. I have been looking into hydro and yours is the first I’ve seen of it’s kind

Day: 31

Think I made the mistake of putting 2 in the same pot. Need a scrog net ASAP!

4 years ago

Day: 23

Need to start LST of trellis Netting

4 years ago

Day: 14

Getting over the transplant shock and used to the new nutrients. Currently on a 16/8 lighting schedule. Should’ve spaced them out. But we will see

4 years ago

Day: 12

2 Plants Transplanted together to share the same pot. This will be an experiment for my 2nd grow

4 years ago

KinardsKush •3 Bucket RDWC w/Waterfall •Mars Hydro TSL 2000 •Hydroguard 30ml for 15gal •Great white 1.5 scoop per 15 gal •Medusa magic 15ml per 15gal •Gaia mania 15ml per 15gal •Zeus juice 37.5ml (40*) per 15 gal •Herculean harvest 37.5ml (40*) per 15 gal