K1n6 Ky

K1n6 Ky

My journey 2

Come along on this journey with me 🫡


Wham boom auto

Day 17 (Week 3)


13 updates

40 photos

Day: 17

Looking good 👍🏾

3 months ago


jamiespotstand Are all those little tiny dots just from the perlite on the leaves?

K1n6 Ky

K1n6 Ky Yes thats from the pearlite

Day: 16


Falling in love..btw added a lil toothpickstand for the leaves to stay on cause they were droppin a bit low but not cause of overwatering or underwatering idk why but this is working too

3 months ago


jamiespotstand Don’t prop leaves. Lookin good. If the strain is pale like that no problem but maybe add a little nitrogen to your process

K1n6 Ky

K1n6 Ky I did and thank you one of them was going a bit yellow and its green again this morning 😊


jamiespotstand I have a critical mass mom that is as pale as you could imagine if I don’t constantly pump her full of nitrogen. Love that short stem.

Day: 15



3 months ago

Day: 14

Two weeks marks today🥹

3 months ago

K1n6 Ky

K1n6 Ky Tjese are two separate planta btw

K1n6 Ky

K1n6 Ky These are two separate plants btw

Day: 13



3 months ago

Day: 12


3 months ago

Day: 11


3 months ago

Day: 10


3 months ago

Day: 9

Tomorrow not watering as its soil is a lil but wet and i want the soil to dry up

3 months ago

Day: 8

It’s taking shapee

3 months ago

Day: 8

Looking happier 🥹

3 months ago

Day: 2

Its pokin out 😅

3 months ago

Day: 1

Experimenting on this one

3 months ago