
Free test CB #2

Late summer 2022

Soaked overnight 8/10/21, paper towel overnight 8/11/21, potted 8/12/21


Day 40 (Week 6)

4 updates

21 photos

Day: 40


Stems are starting to thicken up nice. Added a lot more wire and tape. Going with some spirals. Keeping a tiny little girl growing in a conch shell picked up on the beaches of the Dominican Republic. Added an experiment growing in a decorative glass desk vase.

3 years ago


Mystrain420-@eaegifts Ahh this is really kool growmie. I love doing experiments like this, Iโ€™ve got a few canna-bonsai plants trained like this but the root idea blew my mind ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ

els11121976 Have another auto planted root over rock on a ceramic pumpkin that should be ready around Halloween.


Mystrain420-@eaegifts Oo I love aerial roots, Iโ€™ve done a few of those also. Looking forward to your updates

Day: 21

Topped and ready for an exciting bonsai life

4 years ago


Mystrain420-@eaegifts Excited to see this. I thought I was the only one here doing cannabonsai. Sheโ€™s looking super healthy, happy growing growmie ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ

els11121976 Thank you, Iโ€™m a novice with cannabis but gonna give it a shot.


Mystrain420-@eaegifts Itโ€™s really easy and fun. These plants train so easily, just keep her healthy and u can pretty much design how u want

Day: 17

First bends. Three test seeds. 1 runt isnโ€™t growing like the other girls?

4 years ago

Day: 3

First night in the tent

4 years ago