
Autos Under Quarantine


5 gallon happy frog, 2000 watt kind led

Gelato, Pineapple Chunk, Auto Fro-Yo

Day 98 (Week 14)

30 updates

85 photos

Day: 98


Almost ready for harvest . 7-1-20 watered plain.

4 years ago

Day: 78


Plants were all fed week 10 nutes except fro-yo which needed water. 6/11/20

5 years ago

Day: 73


Plants were fed normal water, growing well and blooming well. 6/6/20

5 years ago

Day: 70


Plants were fed full week 9 nutes. 6/3/20

5 years ago

Day: 63


Plants were fed full week 8 nutes. 5/27/20

5 years ago

Day: 61


Rotated all. 5/25/20

5 years ago

Day: 59


Plants were fed regular water and all are flowering. 5-23-20

5 years ago

Day: 53


Plants were fed full week 7 nutes. 5/17/20

5 years ago

Day: 45


Plants are doing good and stacking up, fed FULL week 6 nutes. 5/9/2020

5 years ago

Day: 36


Plants have been staked down and fed with normal water. 4/30/20

5 years ago

Day: 31


Plants were all fed with the week 4 growth chart. 4/25/20

5 years ago

Day: 27


Plants are starting to grow up. Plants were fed full watering with normal water. 4/21/20

5 years ago

Day: 25


Plants were given first stage of LST. Gelato has a fucked stem so far.... 4/19/20

5 years ago

Day: 24


Plants were fed regular water. PH of distilled is around 6.3. 4/18/20

5 years ago

Day: 22


Plants were all transplanted and fed there first small round of GRO, also used recharge to help with the transplant shock. 4/16/20

5 years ago

Day: 19


Plants were watered with normal. Gonna start LST/first feeding soon. 4/13/20

5 years ago

Day: 17


Plants were fed recharge again, fro-yo seems to be a heavy eater. 4/11/20

5 years ago

Day: 15


Plants were all fed recharge. Fro-yo needed it most. 4/9/20

5 years ago

Day: 13


Plants were all fed water and growing well. 4/7/20

5 years ago

Day: 11


Plants fed recharge 4/5/20

5 years ago

Day: 9


Plants were given full soak with root and recharge. 4/3/20

5 years ago

Day: 7


Plants were given a full soak with rapid root growth. 4/1/20

5 years ago

Day: 6


Plants were all fed root growth. 3/31/20

5 years ago

Day: 5


Plants were fed recharge. Gelato stretching a little. 3/30/20

5 years ago

Day: 3


Gelato has almost lost its shell, pineapple has a bum leaf, fro-yo still slow. Watered twice. 3/28/20

5 years ago

Day: 2


All plants have come up. Pineapple has one messed up leaf, gelato still has seed. Fro-yo little slower. 3/27

5 years ago

Day: 1


Gelato popped first and Pineapple was behind her slowly. Fro-yo hasn’t broke ground yet. 3/26/20

5 years ago

Day: 0

Just put the seeds in paper towel.

5 years ago

Day: 0

Took 24 hours for gelato and Pineapple Express to get small tails. Fro-Yo is cracked but no tail. 26 hours in. 1:04am 3/25

5 years ago

Day: 0

Gelato has the longest tail and pineapple has a long one as well. Fro-yo has a tail but not as long. 3/26 3:34am. Put in soil at 3:55am.

5 years ago