Purple Nuggets
April 2020
Three Purple Nuggets started in 2 gallon pots in dry amended coco perlite mix
Autoflower Mephisto Genetics
Day 32 (Week 5)
14 updates
39 photos
Day: 32
Doing good steady growth 2 front ones are starting to flower so stretch is about to happen back one is not and no purple showing yet
5 years ago
Day: 31
1 month old and doing great besides for the front left one that’s missing a quarter of the plant because it snapped beyond repair using mega crops and adding sweet candy and bud explosion
5 years ago
Day: 27
These 3 plants are growing at the same speed they are in pre flower already so now I have the four main branches tied down now multiple colas with come out of each moderate defoliation and lst
5 years ago
Day: 25
Did more lst today any tying down the different branch’s to get maximum light exposure feeding Megacrop mammoth p and calmag
5 years ago
Day: 21
Week 3 today and these ladies are exploding with vegetative growth did some more lst and tied down the bigger ones branches so I can create more cola sites
5 years ago
Day: 20
Days 20 bottom left is showing pistols already that was super fast the other 2 are growing quick as well
5 years ago
Day: 18
Girls are looking happy today 24h after I turned the autopots and airdomes on did them good feeding 2g mc 1tsp calmag and .6ml mammoth per gallon
5 years ago
Day: 16
Transplanted into final pots last night 3.9 gallon square autopots added the airdomes as well and about a inch and a half of clay pebbles then I lstd them looking good growing fast a little tip burn but not much
5 years ago
Day: 14
2 weeks looking good growing fast doing some leaf tucking to get some light to those nodes that are being blocked will transplant into 3.9 gallon autopots with in the next week
5 years ago
Day: 11
Doing good look healthy just weird unstable F1 illuminauto genetics for the beginning but once they get past that first hump they’re gonna explode
5 years ago
Day: 9
Dropped my humidifier on one but it looks like it’ll pull through just fine steady getting bigger watering with straight phd 5.8 RO water
5 years ago
Day: 9
Flushed top left because it was burning. Looks to be doing better today leaves aren’t clawing. Other 2 are doing great watering with straight RO water ph 5.8 20/4 light schedule
5 years ago
Day: 7
Some clawing in the biggest one but they are growing at a good rate for only being a week old tents 82.2f humidity is 38%
5 years ago
Day: 6
All 3 are healthy about 2 inches tall one was showing yellow but is starting to stabilize I mixed 1 gram Megacrop in a gallon of RO water and set ph to 5.8 and drenched the yellowing one to stabilize the ph now I’m just keeping wet with phd RO water
5 years ago