
Chem 91

Housewarming gift

Chem plant in veg tent since gifted

Chem 91

Day 154 (Week 22)

7 updates

7 photos

Day: 154

Almost the end of week 6

4 years ago

Day: 143

Added swell to nute mix. 4 weeks and some change

4 years ago

Day: 138

3 weeks in flower

4 years ago


Greatvine Aye beautiful! Happy 3rd week im on mine as well

Day: 113

12/6 moved to 12/12 flower closet. Trimmed out also

4 years ago

Day: 101

11/23 started transition nutes, will trim before flower in a few weeks

4 years ago

Day: 89

Veg tent 24/7 Trimmed thin and sprayed on 11/10

4 years ago

Day: 82

Under t5 24/7 since gifted Pinch and bend tech applied 11/3 Top canopy is thickkk

4 years ago