1024 hydrophonics
A retry after my last ones dieded
Using the advanced nutrients mix
Day 49 (Week 7)
4 updates
5 photos
Day: 49

A few weeks later and she’s looking really good! Done a bit of training and may have damaged a branch but we will see how she goes
4 years ago
Day: 21

Unfortunately one of the two plants died but the other one is still going strong :)
4 years ago
Day: 8

First set of real leaves are coming along! I put them in the hydrophonics bin :)
4 years ago
greenqween Babies 😍
Day: 4

Day4 and the leaves are now popping out :)
4 years ago
HookedOnPonics Hmm, i use clones not seeds, so I'm not a hundred percent sure, but i think they should be more inside the grow medium? Or am i wrong?
jenz The tap root was quite long. I cut the sponges through the middle with the seed in the cavity with the tap root in the cut. Seems to be fine.