

Green Crack Autoflower/Blueberry Photoperiod

Winter 2021

Planning to clone Blueberry for a summer grow. Growing from seed planning to transfer autos to 3 gallon fabric pots with March harvest. First grow in the new and improved space under MarsHydro + Roleandro lighting. 5th grow overall ✌️🙏❤️

GC and Blueberry

Day 55 (Week 8)

10 updates

22 photos

Day: 55

Week 9 starting soon for these lovelies

4 years ago

Day: 50


Getcha’ popcorn here! Super healthy and happy 😊

4 years ago

Day: 42

Defol and light adjustments, the dames are flowering nicely🙏

4 years ago

Day: 37

Autos are starting to flex their stuff. Blue#1 growing into itself nicely, looking like a beast in the making. Happyhappyjoyjoy 🤙

4 years ago


MrFiregrow Look nice bro 😎

Day: 31


LST 2 layers of trellis. Healthy, happy and growing 🙏

4 years ago

Day: 29


4 years ago

Day: 27


Humidity is finally stable between 50-53% temp between 74-75. The toddlers are growing nicely and the pest problem has lessened thanks to some yellow sticky paper. Topped Blue tonight🙏✌️

4 years ago

Day: 17

Growing. Watered yesterday, difficulty in keeping humidity up. Those packets are to help fight certain pest larvae (fungus gnats which I had an issue with my last grow)-not sure if they are doing anything at this stage.

4 years ago

Day: 12

Tried some nutrients (1/4) tsp with today’s first full watering. Humidity is low but temp is groovy✌️

4 years ago

bgeezy Try putting your light closer they look like they are stretching to far to the light. That will cause top heavy breakage

Day: 8

And away we grow! Day 8 from start of germination using “paper towel method” (moisten half a piece of paper towel, place seed(s)upon wet half, fold over dry half and allow to dampen, fold sides to fit into ziplock bag, allow to sit in a dark warm place for a few days). So far, 6 of 7 sprouts have broken through the crust.

4 years ago


mystrain420 Just a tip, your supposed to soak the seeds 12-24hr then do the paper towel. They should be sprouted with 1/4-1/2” taproot 24-48hrs after the paper towel if kept warm. Good luck with them👍🏾.