

Un-feminized photoperiod Mystery Strain

LST today

Mainlined & Topped x3 photoperiod mystery strain in veg.

Un-feminized photoperiod Mystery Strain

Day 232 (Week 34)

8 updates

34 photos

Day: 232

Mystery strain dryin’

4 years ago


miggatoni Lookin niiiiiiice 💪🏼👍🏼

Day: 226

I have rrrreally fucked this plant up... 😅

4 years ago


dstew0626 Lol look beautiful to me! Are you flushing it?


46&2JustAheadOfMe Well... see the thing is that I started to flush and was just going to chop at the same time as my autos when they finished just because really having a photo in my auto tent isnt really ideal.. Then had a change of heart and told myself it needed way longer which was probably true but the damage is kinda done from that situation I feel lol. It could be worse! Just gunna hold off and chop when my new seeds roll in probably.. wish I could hold off longer but.. 🤷🏻‍♂️ this was a trial run plant in the end really


dstew0626 So are you saying you think the buds could be bigger?

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Day: 132


She was a girl 🥳😌

4 years ago

Day: 77

Pulled some exterior limbs out a bit more. Spider Farmer SF 2000 arrived today! 🕷 🥳

4 years ago

Day: 74

Periodic update 66 watts used total up to this point. Spider Farmer SF 2000 on the way. Should get interesting from here.

4 years ago

Day: 69


Little LST to level canopy. Can’t believe I’ve gotten this far with probably less than the 66 watts of light listed on the cheap-o fixtures..🤦🏻‍♂️ lmao. Must like my singing.

4 years ago

Day: 68

Lights closer... threw a 65 watt extra light at it today before I figure out what light option I will go with permanently.

4 years ago


plantman Looking very good so far! Good job!


plantman Btw, I’m following you now. 🙀


46&2JustAheadOfMe @plantman Thanks man!! For sure see the stretching the 66 watts it’s had this whole time is causing but... it lives 🤷🏻‍♂️ lol

Day: 64


LST today. First three pictures are after 5 hours. Colas turning up.

4 years ago


plantman By any chance, do you have a small amount of Mylar? It can help reflect some of that light towards the bottom of your plant...


46&2JustAheadOfMe I have been seeing some people doing this! Hmm 🤔 I was sent some Mylar tape with my tent I haven’t needed.. maybe even aluminum foil would have a small benefit?.. I think the autos would like it a lot but the canopy on the photo just keep getting more and more dense.. not sure and light is even getting to the substrate at this point.. might mean it’s one for a pretty good defoliation really..


plantman Yes, even aluminum foil would be of some benefit. Anything that can help direct some extra light to the lower areas is helpful. I do see a few leaves I would clip, but overall, the plant looks pretty healthy.

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