Gelato - Clone
Summer 2023
One Gelato Clone from Cali nursery, in 20 gallon planter pot, started indoors, outdoor grow, watered manually
Day 129 (Week 19)
36 updates
54 photos
Day: 129

Bud rot started in a few bud sites so decided to chop her a little early. The colors are so beautiful
a year ago
money bag How tf do u even get bud rot that’s mad unlucky u need to get the humidity a bit higher
ig:@eaegifts @moneybag I’m pretty sure it’s an outdoor grow, this east coast weather is crazy rite now and it’s raining still today in some parts. Almost every outdoor grower on the East is worried about mold this year also you want to get humidity lower not higher to avoid mold 👍🏾
money bag I thought I said lowered oops 😂
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Day: 127

a year ago
Day: 122

Tb and ph down a few days ago.
a year ago
Day: 100

Added a little happy frog, tiger bloom 2 days ago. Might start adding epson salt, still some yellowing on lower leaves of all plants
2 years ago
Day: 91

More soil and hopefully a night of rain 🌧️
2 years ago
ig:@eaegifts Hey growmie they’re looking great, I noticed the pots are red still so was wondering have you repotted yet or are those the original red pots?
Ebuds Thank you 😊 I put about an inch or two of soil on top to cover exposed roots. Would they benefit from repotting with more soil in the red pots? I don’t think there was enough soil in it when I potted them
ig:@eaegifts I’d say repot to a bigger size just because of the time, at 91 days it’s almost guaranteed roots filled the pots. It’ll be beneficial also because they should be about to flower in the next month or so depending on your time zone
Day: 90

Got up to 100 in the tent so moved them outside. Hoping increased circulation and some good ole rain water tonight will wash away excess nutes in soil. Have roots growing out the top of soil , thinking I might add a little extra soil tomorrow
2 years ago
Day: 86

Runoff is 6.5 Fed silica, calmag, tb and ph down (neem oil) rotated plants in greenhouse
2 years ago
Day: 81

Finally 🌸
2 years ago
Joe’s basement boof It looks like she’s folding up a bit. If u can increase your light intensity or adjust your light timer a bit she should shoot right up
Day: 78

Correcting a ph issue (I think the issue caused some deficiencies. I also found the old ph tester) Fed silica, calmag, gb and tb, ph up) 44”
2 years ago
Day: 69

Fed. Silica, Calmag, GB and ph down
2 years ago
Day: 65

Fighting off some pests. Pruned more leaves. Thought she’d be flowering by now but she just keeps growing. My mistake giving her some of the wrong nutes. Been watering with nothing added
2 years ago
ukonnn It’s a forest now
Day: 55

More pistils forming. Think she’ll be flowering real soon. 38.5”
2 years ago
Day: 52

Hot couple of days. Watered a few times. Slowly starting to defoliate bottom
2 years ago
Day: 48

Fed silica, calmag, foxfarm bb & gb + ph down. Will defoliate eventually
2 years ago
Day: 46

Decided to wait and defoliate next watering with nutes. Regular water today
2 years ago
ukonnn Looks so big and strong
Day: 44

Defoliating bottom growth next watering 🪴
2 years ago
Day: 41

Watered and defoliated a few big leaves. 31”
2 years ago
Day: 31

Watered and fed 2 days ago. Silica, CalMag and foxfarm BB. More rain yesterday. Measuring 21” today
2 years ago
Day: 27

All this rain has brought the return of aphids. Think I caught it early again and all the plants will get another treatment today. Pruned off a few leaves. 17.5”
2 years ago
ukonnn Looking great
Day: 23

Watered today with foxfarm GB and BB. 14” (diatomaceous earth almost completely off plant after watering)
2 years ago
ukonnn Looking so healthy. So much difference in 3 weeks
Day: 22

Rained on for a little yesterday. 13.25” tall and new growth in the middle.
2 years ago
RambinoPrazy Dude what is Al the white stuff on your plant
Ebuds diatomaceous earth
Day: 21

Getting rid of some pests. Day after application no sitings - silica and ph down water yesterday
2 years ago
stanleyreyna2 What kind of medicine are you using?
Ebuds Diatomaceous Earth and Garden Safe Fungicide3
Day: 18

Doing well since given nutes/food
2 years ago
Day: 17

Watered with foxfarm BB and GB (half strength) 10”
2 years ago
Day: 16

Hot day. 9.5”
2 years ago
Day: 15

Watered with silica and ph down. Leaving out of greenhouse through the day and night to increase air circulation. Planning nutes next time she needs water.
2 years ago
Day: 14

Temp too high in greenhouse so moved to outdoors in a baby gate lol. Happy with the new growth. 9”
2 years ago
Day: 12

Watered with silica and SUPERthrive 🪴
2 years ago
Day: 10

Transplanted to 20 gallon and moved to outside greenhouse on day 7. Cold front moving through. Given CalMag with water + ph down today. (7.5”)
2 years ago
Day: 3

Gave a little water and adjusted humidity in room. Looking happy
2 years ago
LeChron James Can I ask the purpose of the straw on the stalk?
ukonnn Progressing so nicely
Ebuds No purpose. I have to cut them off. They’re clones I ordered from a nursery in cali and they put them on probably to help tell them apart
Day: 1

Gelato clone (Gilly) potted in 5 gallon pot. Tried some outside time since temps were fine, far too windy. Will have to get creative with light since weather will be chilly next few days. Greenhouse up tomorrow morning.
2 years ago
ukonnn Looking great. Day 1’s are so exciting