Super Sour Sativa
Panera Trash Trial Run
Seeds in Water x 2
trial run for old Panera trash can incubator
OG Mints x Runtz and a Mystery Auto
Day 3 (Week 1)
2 updates
2 photos
Day: 3

Adding a humidity dome to help germination. I did see a taproot emerge before planting but I usually let it get longer, so we’ll see what happens.
a year ago
Day: 1

Mystery Auto seed popped and will be planted between 9a-2p on 10/25 in the converted Panera Trash Grow Chamber 😁
a year ago
rufus899 The old DIY grow box. I kind of miss those days lol
Super Sour Sativa Funny enough, I’m in a legal state and did an outdoor grow, but I missed them too, so Trash can grow it is. Glad someone else feels the nostalgia! Lol