
Re Veg

Summer 2020

I’ve decided to re-veg my favourite plants from this harvest. The supercritical was by far the best I’ve ever grown so I’m holding onto that baby , hopefully it will regrow!!

2 x Super Critical, 2 x Phantom Og, 1 x Moby

Day 15 (Week 3)

3 updates

9 photos

Day: 15

Looking really dead! But I’m hopeful that they’ve taken as I’m seeing a glimmer of new growth.

5 years ago

Dukeshaba Why bother???? Wouldn’t it be better to just plant new ones?

Day: 1

Already new leaves are shooting from this plant. This super critical produced 8 1/2 oz dried so want to keep it going.

5 years ago

CKDrouin This is awesome! Looking forward to seeing your results!

Day: 0

After harvest cut the plants right back and have put them under a led. Repotted them and started on nutrients I’m going to give them 24 hours of light. Theyve been in the dark for two days now.

5 years ago


Mystrain420 I have a grow going now with a monster cropped clone, so I’m looking forward to your results. Do u think the plant with the most foliage lefts will grow the best?

De_leaf Last time I did it, I was astounded at the results. I left maybe 5 or 6 bottom popcorn buds on the plant which I literally cut each in half. And from each bud site grew a tree! Litterally each site became its own plant. One plant ended up being enormous. Very cool to watch


Mystrain420 Great I can wait to see this. 👍🏾👍🏾