Mystery Seeds
4 mystery seeds micro grow
High grade
Day 6 (Week 1)
6 updates
7 photos
Day: 6

Support added to weak one. Tiny one opening
6 years ago
Day: 5

Support added
6 years ago
Day: 4

All are stretching, except the little one idk what’s up with her. Watered and tiny fan added for circulation.
6 years ago
Dizzy97355 Hi there stretching cause there too far away from light I keep mine 12 inches away and the are growing and are bushy I have been growing for years
Day: 3

Water added last night, #4 is the only one looking sideways (chasing sunshine?). #3 still really short ,#1 remains in the lead
6 years ago
Day: 2

Mystery seed #1 the tallest, #4 last to sprout And was the only one that didn’t pop a root in paper towel but is getting bigger then #3
6 years ago
Acebud530 What is your light system
Day: 1

24hrs in water, 48 hrs in paper towel on warm ps4, 24hrs in dome seed starter b4 3 popped up. 24hrs all for popped up and dome removed, mystery seed #1 too tall.
6 years ago