

1 huge plant grow

Had 6 plants going and only 1 turned out to be female. This is Grape Skunk X Black Rose X Legends Ultimate Indica. I decided to grow one huge plant. Going long In veg with a good train I hope to get a pound of this plant! Join me on the journey of the grape skunk!

Grape Slunk X Black Rose X Legends Ultimate Indica

Day 142 (Week 21)

24 updates

52 photos

Day: 142

She’s chopped after 24 hours in dark!

4 years ago

Day: 139

Day 57 of flower. Was a little late on the flush so I’m gonna add a ton of water these next couple days

4 years ago

mjw Looking frosty!

Day: 135

Day 53 of flower. They’re getting purp!

4 years ago


RubiSonics You’ve kept it well; looking beautiful.


ganjaman420 Thanks man!

Day: 130

Gonna start flush pretty soon here. Hopefully the buds stack up a little more on the bottom, otherwise I’ll have to do 2 separate harvests to make sure the lower buds are a little chunkier.

4 years ago

Day: 124

Gonna chop her earlier than expected still have 3 weeks or more though. Gonna feed a couple more times and get the light super close then flush her.

4 years ago

Day: 119

A very very happy girl

4 years ago

Day: 114

They’re getting frosty frosty

4 years ago


matishans Nice grow❤️


ganjaman420 Thanks bro


ganjaman420 Day 32 flower

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Day: 107

She’s getting frosty!

4 years ago

Day: 104

Day 22 of flower! Did a major defoliation yesterday and she seems to have liked it!

4 years ago


nobuddyatall That’s gonna be a jungle!! Wow—- flat-out nice work!! 💚🌿


redheaded1990 How big is the grow pot


ganjaman420 20 gallon pot.

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Day: 99

Day 17 of flower.

4 years ago

Day: 82

It is time to flip to flower!

4 years ago

Day: 76

I think I’m gonna flip to flower in a week or less. Pretty hyped. The canopy is 30”x30”. Biggest plant I’ve seen in person.

4 years ago

Day: 74

Still training it with the scrog. I’ll flip to flower in a week or two. I’ve been running half strength feeds for veg. I will slowly increase ppm for flower.

4 years ago

Day: 70

Going to water tomorrow.

4 years ago

Day: 65

Added the scrog net today. No more topping just gonna fill the net and flip to flower.

4 years ago

Day: 60

More defoliation and training. Waiting for the soil to fry out so I can add some more silica and magnesium

4 years ago

Day: 58

Watered yesterday with 400 ppm well water phed to 7. Did some minor defoliation and more training.

4 years ago

Day: 52

Watered with 800 ppm nutrient mix at about 1/4th strength. She is looking happy. I still have to do a little bit more training to get it where I want it but it’s getting nice and big. I don’t want to take off those bottom nodes for another couple of days. Just leave it stress free and let it grow a little.

4 years ago

Day: 50

Lots of topping and training. Getting ready for it to shoot up

4 years ago

Day: 46

Found a Keeper. 18/6 light schedule completely in veg, and there’s trichome production and a brown sap coming from where I’ve topped... I’m super excited to see what this one will turn out to be. Taking lots of clones.

4 years ago

Day: 44

She is shootin up! Been topping and training. The growing is looking symmetrical. Not much else I can ask for right now.

4 years ago

Day: 37

Going to water again today. I have topped the plant once so far. I think it’s about ready for the 20 gallon switch. Going to give it a couple days though.

4 years ago

Day: 35

She’s looking very happy!

4 years ago

Day: 30


Just removed the 5 males. The only survivor is a grape skunk. I’m not too disappointed because I’ve been wanting to do a 1 huge plant grow and this must be a sign. These plants were dormant under a t5 in my closet for about a month. I was super busy and they weren’t my main priority, as I had just cut down my first grow which was 5 plants and 2 outdoors I never documented. Once I had more time I transplanted them into a bigger pot and gave them a light nutrient solution of 1-1-1 and some myco.

4 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Seven 73. Tree o tree. Tree nin o fo text me up bro