


Ok don’t really know how to clone

They look ok but 6 looks like it’s have a real hard time.


Day 106 (Week 16)

5 updates

26 photos

Day: 106

She’s doing ok . I believe I didn’t put here in good soil.

13 days ago

Day: 76

Only one that made it out of 10 or so

a month ago

Day: 5


This is pretty much what’s left 🤨 first time ever cloning . Fun experience just not successfully done. ☺️

4 months ago


Prattn1 What happened? Did you buy the clones or created them yourself?


rickybobbybabyface I tried creating them

Day: 3


They were ok I’ll take pics tonight took the top of then put them back now she’s lookin down gbc6

4 months ago

Day: 2


I cloned these not sure if I did it right but she looks a little better from yesterday so that’s a plus

4 months ago