First time grower
1 divorce cake plant Setup; Apollo 300 watt LED-light Small desk fan General hydroponic nutrients Floral series performance pack Neem oil for pesticides once a week Mix with seventh generation natural dish soap
Divorce cake
Day 29 (Week 5)
3 updates
10 photos
Day: 29

Need help!! So my plant is developing these rust looking spots what can it be and how do I fix it , also should I cut the affected area off?
5 years ago
GatewayGrow Looks like the beginning of a nitrogen deficiency to me. Usually starts around the outside and get more yellow over time. I wouldn’t cut it off but that’s up to you it doesn’t make a difference I would just want to keep an eye on it to see if it continues.
Day: 25

The plant really likes it’s new home and has grown way faster now I have not been using calmag, should I use it how important is it? I just use everything general hydroponics floral series pack includes
5 years ago
Dcap0607 You shouldn’t have to use calmag if you’re this early on in veg and you have deficiencies in your plants. It looks like it’s getting root bound from growing so fast. Bigger pot might be needed now. Maybe 3 gallon or just go straight to a 5 gallon. I went from red solo cup straight to 5 gallon and I’m getting pretty good results. Steady growth. I’m a first time grower too. I watch a lot of YouTube lol
Day: 18

Plant is 5 inch tall in black gold soil 18hr light schedule following general hydroponic performance pack instructions and water it down by 25% extra water plant is dropping and tips are turning brown and has purple stems
5 years ago
Guitarist I have had serious plant health issues after using Neem oil. I was told it’s more of a leaf polish for office plants. I use BT spray. Available everywhere, always make fresh batch, use immediately, don’t overuse. I also use worm tea, look it up, it has done the most for me overall for any type of plant. Hope this helps, I use soil, not hydro.
424jaydog Your gold soil has no nutritions.Now you are developed need more soil and nutritions or good start up with nuts
BassLineBuds You need to cut the tips off the leaves anyways to redirect energy toward root growth, so tips of leaves being brown shouldn’t matter at this stage. You might as well get a big microscope and check bottom of leaves for bugs because brown tips can be a symptom of some species of mites, among other bugs. Also what is the temp in your room?
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