

The way i do it

Summer 2020

Romulan, sour diesle, black jack, (from cone) and 3 purple gelato (from seed). Grown under pro-led 126x by hydro grow and in the sun as many hours as I can give them direct sun...I’m wearing them off light, all plants were started March 21. Grown in Northern california

Mix up

Day 150 (Week 22)

9 updates

48 photos

Day: 150


Plants at harvest sorry I was too busy to update. I also included pics of mom in the dry room my son and daughter me and the mother of my kids and also some other pics from around the house last year... hope u enjoyed my life... wasn’t as nice as it looks lol no it was I’m full of shit and Jah has done nice things to my life in the last few years. Ame

4 years ago

Day: 9

They’re all staying outside for good now

5 years ago

Day: 8

And I take 6 clones from my sour diesel to put under the led so I have bud sooner... home made clones just a bag I tighten and loosen to co trip humidity and works wonders 14 days good roots In soil.

5 years ago

Day: 7

These are the outdoor babies after their first transplant

5 years ago

Day: 4

Running out of space and time seven more days of weaning them off their 18/6 schedual there at 16 hours I’ll put em out at 15 and hope they don’t trip

5 years ago

Day: 1

They have been coming in at night since March 21 and are being weaned off they’re light schedule so they can move I to theirs final homes

5 years ago

Day: 1

I use roofs orgánics 707 soil plus chunky perolite and run flora nova grow plus molasses and super thrive then flora nova bloom koolbloom and busdwell powder

5 years ago

Day: 1

That’s what they look like when I bring them in every night that’s all seven under one LED which is enough for the supplementary hours that I need so far I am down to 17 hours of daylight I’m trying to work on to that 14 1/2 next couple weeks so I can place an outdoor in the garden bed without triggering some retarded bullshit

5 years ago

Day: 0

Their under 17-7. I’m wearing them down as fast as I can to get them into the permanent spot so I can be done moving them in And out

5 years ago